Sunday, February 20, 2005

ADT/ABS 2005 Hotfix that solves .dst file corruption

Here is the hotfix from Autodesk that solves the problem. If you have ADT or ABS 2005 make sure to install it or ask your IT/CAD Manager to deploy it to all users. Make sure that ADT SP1 or ABS SP2 is installed and read the readme file. Here is how I deployed it for ADT using VBScript:
on error resume next
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

filespec="C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2005\AecProject45.arx"
if fso.FileExists(filespec) then
  Set f = fso.GetFile(filespec)
  if f.size=971392 then
    fso.CopyFile "\\CAD\ADT\2005\DST Hot Fix\AecProject45.arx", filespec
  end if
end if

1 comment:

  1. Restored comments

    Anonymous said...

    Great! I have been looking for information on how to deploy service packs with VBS.
    February 23, 2005
