Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Silent installation of Autodesk DWG Viewer

I got a question on how to deploy DWG Viewer. Here is what I do. To install DWG Viewer with a click on a button create a VBScript. Then you can just send a link to the file to the users. Open Notepad and enter the following code and save the file with the vbs file extension.
on error resume next
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
runstring="msiexec /I ""\\server\Autodesk DWG Viewer\view.msi"" /qb! "
WshShell.Run runstring,1,true
You have to correct the path to the msi file. If you want you can add a row in the end of the file to tell that it is ready.
msgbox "Installation ready."
For complete options to use with msiexec command, see Using VBScript it's also possible to prepare a profile in DWG Viewer. Make a reg file of it and install that prepared profile for the end user. This includes any custom files like ctb, pc3, fonts etc. You can also make sure that this happens if another user logs in on that PC. Otherwise that user will have the default profile. I will post some examples if requested.

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