Thursday, July 14, 2005

AutoCAD 2006 and the inluded ADT OE

This is a great tips (Use AutoCAD 2006 to to flatten ADT drawings) by Shaan Hurley for those having AutoCAD 2006 and that receives or uses ADT drawings. Learn how to use the command -ExportToAutoCAD (remember to include the hyphen character) and how to load the AEC OE toolbar. The included Autodesk Architectural Desktop Object Enabler also includes commands to change display configuration using AecDisplayManagerConfigsSelection and AecSetXrefConfig to change it on an xref. AecFileOpenMessage is to enable or disable a dialogbox warning about opening drawings from older ADT versions. AecFileSaveMessage is to enable or disable a courtesy message when saving to a previous version file. AecObjectCopyMessage is to enable or disable a courtesy message when copying AEC objects into a newer version drawing. ObjRelUpdate is almost like the AutoCAD command Regen. AecVersion gives you the file versions of the Object Enabler files. -DwgUnits allows you to specify the drawing units that will be used with the current file. As seen below the command below is only command line based so it's easy to use in script files. This command is also available in ADT.

Command: -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD File format: 2004 Bind xrefs: Yes Bind type: Insert Filename prefix: ACAD- Filename suffix: Export options [Format/Bind/bind Type/Prefix/Suffix/?] <>:

The ADT OE enables some basic AutoCAD commands to work on ADT objects. If you erase a door the hole in the wall heals. You can explode ADT objects into basic AutoCAD objects. Automatic cleanup is done using commands like Move, Copy, Rotate, Trim, Extend and Array. Node osnap points on ADT objects are also available.

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