Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Facility of the Year Award

I have received the information that Baxter has won the ISPE Facility of the year award 2006! Pharmadule has provided the production facility which was the most important part of the project and we also made the entry proposal in Baxter's name.

"The reason for Baxter/Pharmadule winning was innovation - there were two other facilities that were really awesome but our modular approach was the innovation they thought has made the best contribution to the pharmaceutical industry this year when it comes to production facilities." - Henrik Cornell M.Sc., Senior Vice President.

I was the CAD Manager at Pharmadule Emtunga on this very successful project that started about two years ago. AutoCAD (at that time 2004 and later 2005) was the 3D CAD platform using Architectural Desktop (2004-2005) for the building, Rebis Structural and later ProSteel 3D for the steel structure, MagiCAD HPV for HVAC and UtilityPiping, MagiCAD El for Electrical, Instrumentation and Telecommunication, Rebis AutoPLANT for Process Piping and NavisWorks that was used for the 3D coordination and clash checking.

Below is a link to the official website of the ISPE Facility of the Year ward.

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