Sunday, December 10, 2006

AutoCAD Error Aborting FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at 7c812a5bh

I was working with Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 when I started to get this error. After a couple of times I noticed that it happened when I clicked on the File menu. I did not want to reinstall and wondered what it could be. Other menues worked well so I thought about the Drawing History. I started to set Options>Open and Save>File Open>Number of recently-used files to list to 0 and restarted ADT. Now I could access the File menu. It also helped to delete this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R17.0\ACAD-5004:409\Recent File List
I can reproduce the error editing the key File1. When it is C:\ADT2007 ABC spaces construct.dwg it crashes. This is a non existing drawing. When changed to C:\test.dwg that also is non existing it does not crash. What if it was related to the lenght. I tried C:\12345678901234567890123.dwg and it crashed and C:\1234567890123456789012.dwg without getting a crash. Oh well.
But I want the history and I want to be able to use names with more than 17 characters including .dwg. I've used files with names like this before and it worked so it's probably something else related to this problem. Still not satisfied I searched the Knowledge Base and found
TS1061587 that was about the same error message but the issue was not related. I tried to enable hardware acceleration as the solution was and what do you know. It solved the problem. For a moment. Then it returned again. Workaround found but not satisfied with it. Let's see if the ADT Error Report's I sent in to Autodesk helps... If you know of a solution please add a comment.
Update! The problem has started to happen in AutoCAD 2007 as well.
2007-04-07 Update!
A solution is found. See this
KB document. This
error will occur if an incorrect version of a Microsoft DLL file MFC80U.DLL
exists on the computer.
2007-10-25 Update. Shaan posts about AutoCAD crashes when the File menu is accessed


  1. Restored comment
    Anonymous said...

    I had this same problem in AutoCAD LT07 and deleting the registry key did the trick. I hope AutoDesk finds a way to fix this!
    January 02, 2007

    Anonymous said...

    This worked for me to. Has anyone come up with a solution that allows you to keep your drawing history. Is there a hot fix for this yet?
    February 23, 2007

    JTB World said...

    The only way I have found to permanently solve this is to completetly reinstall.
    February 23, 2007
    Anonymous said...

    You can disable the Recent File list in the Tools>Options...>Open and Save

    and edit the File open = 0 number of recently......

    It will reset to 0 when you restart Autocad
    April 04, 2007

    Anonymous said...

    to disable recent file with rep 4 method works for me too, so i hope Autodesk will release patch to fix this problem soon
    April 05, 2007

    Anonymous said...

    "You can disable the Recent File list in the Tools>Options...>Open and Save

    and edit the File open = 0 number of recently......

    It will reset to 0 when you restart Autocad "

    thats good, thanks...
    August 04, 2007

    Jose said...

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I kept getting this error yesterday and basically wasted a full work day trying to get this solved.

    I tried the Recent File change to 0 and now I can work!
    September 27, 2007

    Anonymous said...

    thanks a lot
    I am thai people
    and I luck to read this message
    i will talk peple ok
    October 12, 2007

    Anonymous said...

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! i have been driven almost mad with this problem! its a shame that the search function on autodesk is rubbish or i would have been able to fix this problem 2days ago. i bought student version autocad architecture 2008, installed it and this problem happened after i installed the service pack ( i installed the service pack to rectify another problem!) it seems very common, so please, autodesk, sort this out or at least make it us poor line drawers aware that we will have to install these files to make the program work! aaah... that rant makes me feel better. now please do something about it!!!!
    December 09, 2007

    Yazden said...

    Thanks Jimmy.

    I had a user with this same exact fatal error message.

    Repair and reinstall did nothing.

    Deleting the reg key fixed it.
    February 11, 2008

    Anonymous said...

    I was just about to reinstall the whole thing intil I tried your fix. I had this problem with Map 2008 (using Carlson Survey as well) and it was driving me nuts for a while. -Dan
    March 06, 2008
    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for your great advice!!!
    April 25, 2008

    Johnny said...

    how do you delete the registry key?
    June 10, 2008

    JTB World said...

    To delete a registry key you can run regedit.exe and locate it.
    June 11, 2008

    enricpadu said...

    Hola. Mi problema consiste en que no veo, en la paleta de patrones de sombreados, los dibujos de cada uno de ellos. Me sale el nombre, pero el cuadrito donde se deberia observar es todo negro, o a cachos (no estoy en solido, ni ningun raro). Ustedes no sabran como repararlo? mi version de CAd es 2006.

    Si me pudiesen contestar en mi correo:

    Muchas gracias
    July 24, 2008

    enricpadu said...

    Hello. My problem consists of the fact that I do not see, of the bosses' palette of shadings, the drawings of each one of them. The name goes out for me, but the picture where deberia observing is quite black, or to chunks (I am not in occurred, not ningun rarely(strange)). You not sabran as(like) in repairing it? My CAD version is a 2006.

    If they could answer me in my mail:
    Thank you very much
    July 24, 2008

    JTB World said...

    enricpadu, sorry but I don't understand your description of the problem.
    But my guess is that you have a problem with the hatch dialog box showing gradients.
    For that I don't know of a solution.
    My only recommendation would be to reinstall AutoCAD completely.
    July 24, 2008

  2. I actually had a similar error, but it was the "debug c++" when trying to open the file Open menu item.

    It turns out it was a permissions issue in the user profile's applications data folder for AutoCAD/AutoDesk stuff.

  3. Thanks for the permissions issue tip!

  4. AnonymousMay 21, 2009

    Deleting the recent files in the reg. key worked.

  5. Thank you, deleting the regeister key works well

  6. Deleting the registry key did more damage on my system then it fixed. I spent all day yesterday trying to "repair" & "reinstall" Acad. I ended up doing a complete uninstall & fresh install which seems to have fixed both issues for now. While this may work for many people I wanted to voice a word of caution to be prepared to uninstall & reinstall if it does not work.

  7. Deleting this specific key is (or should be) harmless but cation should always be used when using the registry and it is good practice to backup any registry key before changing or deleting it.

  8. Jim B
    Thanks for the advice regarding the file list in the registry. All I needed to do was go into the registry and delete just one drawing file in the recent file list that had been saved to an external hard drive- and now it works great. That hard drive was not currently plugged in to my USB port - so perhaps ACAD aborted when it could not locate the drive that had the file.

  9. I have a slight different problem, am running autocad 2002 on windows7 and it has been running for quite some time and it suddenly generates the error message "FATAL ERROR: unhandled e06d7363h exception at 75c49617h" and i tried deleting the registry key FILE HISTORY LIST and a new error code "FATAL ERROR: unhandled e06d7363h exception at 75509617h" started. any one please help.

  10. I have autoCAD 2002 running on windows 7 64 bit...If you have opened "recently" and save a drawing on a portable drive and later open autocad without the drive attached to you computer it will cause the fatal error...Go to the recent list in the registry and delete only the keys for the recent drawings attached from an external drive that is not available now.
