Thursday, August 30, 2007

AutoCAD 2008 Service Pack 1

After some beta testing AutoCAD 2008 SP1 is released. Make sure to install it.
You should not worry about installing SP1 because if you got any new issues that you cannot live with you can uninstall SP1 without having to reinstall AutoCAD 2008 completely.
Knowledge Base document: AutoCAD 2008 Service Pack 1
Knowledge Base document: AutoCAD LT 2008 Service Pack 1
One thing that did not make it in SP1 is the issue described here with DWG to PDF.pc3. Another thing is that the Search tab still does not work in the Developer help file.
Instructions on how to install SP1 silently are available in the readme.
_VERNUM is now "B.219.0 (UNICODE)"
Known Issues With This Service Pack
  • Problem: After applying the Service Pack 1, all dashboard control panels are displayed regardless of the selected workspace.
    Workaround: Make the desired workspace current.
Via Between the Lines: AutoCAD 2008 Service Pack 1 Officially Released Today

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