Monday, September 10, 2007

getfiled bug hangs AutoCAD

If I run the getfiled AutoLISP function like this
(getfiled "Directory Listing" "" "" 2)
and enter a full path for example
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2008
followed by an Enter
AutoCAD hangs and the only way I know is to kill the acad.exe process.

I tried this in AutoCAD 2004 as well and the same problem there. I'm so used copying a path from for example Explorer and paste it to dialogs like this.

Have you this problem or not?


  1. flag 2 (bit 1) is discontinued. Please refer to the help in the visual lisp editor supplied with full version of AutoCad.

    How? Type 'vlide' on the autocad command line. In the editor press F1 then search in the index or find functions under autolisp reference.

  2. I forgot to add that the bug has been fixed in AutoCAD 2010.
