Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lean production game Sim Lean

On Lean Forum Bygg there is a game that learns the Toyota inspired lean production method. The idea is to teach how lean production works. The Sim Lean game (Leanspelet) is found here but unfortunately it's only in Swedish so you might have a bit hard time to understand everything but since I'm Swedish that was not my problem. The problem was to make sure the material was in place at the right time to keep down the costs.

As best after a couple of tries I managed to build the house in 24 weeks (it took less than 10 minutes to play the game) but the expenses was still quite high so I ended up at place 359 and a production cost of 58309kkr.


On the topic of Sim. The classic SimCity is available online for free here. I haven't had time to try it. It's that kind of game that takes a lot of time to play.


1 comment:

  1. Restored comment
    by Anna
    Tack, tack!
    Mycket kul att se att vårt spel får sådan uppmärksamhet. Hör gärna av dig så kan vi prata mer!
    /Anna och Anton
    Lean Forum Bygg
