Sunday, February 3, 2008

You are using Google

Thinking about the news on Microsoft's bid for Yahoo I found the following interesting.

Looking at the the last months statistics of organic traffic on this blog and

Organic traffic in Jan 2008
Google 16745 10897
Yahoo 687 1941
Microsoft Live/MSN 48 384

It certainly doesn't match the search market share that suggest that Microsoft and Yahoo combined has 25%. Maybe it says more about you that end up on this blog. You use Google and Google is better to show blog posts in the result.

A search for AutoCAD 2008 on Yahoo and my AutoCAD 2008 page is on second place and Live Search on third but on Google it's down on the tenth place.

A search on SAMreport alternative on the other hand something I wrote about on this blog is on first place on Google, on second place on Yahoo and on third place on Live Search.

This confirms that you are using Google and BTW so do I.

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