Friday, May 23, 2008

Autodesk Design Review 2009 SP 1

Seems like there are quite a bunch of reasons to install SP1.

Download for SP1: Autodesk® Design Review 2009 – Service Pack 1

If you don't have Design Review the website is at
and download at

Primary Issues Fixed by this Service Pack

Platform and Command Issues
  • Some DWF files are unusable unless the user account has Administrative privileges.
  • On 64-bit systems, importing DWG or DXF files created in AutoCAD 2009 into Design Review 2009 may fail if DWG TrueView 2009 is installed.
  • In Windows Vista, the title bars of undocked palettes may display the Minimize and Maximize buttons.
  • When the computer user name contains double-byte characters, saving a 2D DWF file after creating markup causes a "File save failed" error.
  • New DWF files created by dragging DWF sheets from the Thumbnails or List View palette to the desktop have no file extension.
  • The Delete command on the My Views right-click menu is not selectable after previously deleted My Views have been restored by choosing Edit > Undo.
  • When the default file type for Design Review is set to DWFx, clicking File > New and dragging a 3D DWF file to the Thumbnails or List View palette may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER).
  • On some computers, 3D DWF files may not be correctly displayed when the Video Card Driver is set to Direct3D.
  • When shadows are enabled, for some 3D files, not all parts cast shadows.
  • Some 3D DWF files published from AutoCAD 2007 or AutoCAD 2008 cannot be opened in Design Review.
  • For some 3D models, using the Zoom Rectangle tool to change the view may not zoom the view as expected.
  • For some 3D DWF files, clicking the Forward wedge on the Tour Building SteeringWheel and dragging down (to move the camera back from the model), may cause a HOOPS error which will cause Design Review to freeze.
  • Opening a DWF file that contains only Bill of Material (BOM) information, created by deleting all sheets except BOM sheets and saving the file, may cause Design Review to freeze or close unexpectedly.
  • For some 3D models, clicking the ViewCube to change the view, when the Fit to View on View Change ViewCube option is enabled, may result in the view being zoomed out.
  • Saving a very large DWF file, such as one that contains several hundred sheets, as a DWFx file may cause errors that result in a failure to save the file as DWFx.
  • When DWFx sheets are dragged from one instance of Design Review and dropped into a DWF file in a second instance of Design Review, the DWFx sheets may not be displayed correctly and, if printed, may cause Design Review to close unexpectedly.
  • When DWFx sheets are dragged from one instance of Design Review and dropped into a second instance of Design Review, some DWFx sheets may not be displayed correctly in the receiving file and saving the receiving file as DWF may fail.
  • Marked up DWFx files originally published from Inventor, when saved in Design Review, by choosing File > Save As, may fail to save properly.
  • Saving a password protected DWFx file, after markup has been added, as a DWF file may result in a File Save error.
  • For password protected DWFx files that have been saved and closed, after markup was added, new markups cannot be added when the files are subsequently reopened.
  • Raster images used as custom symbols may not print as expected in some DWFx files.
  • In some DWFx files, markup may not be displayed correctly when the file is opened in the AutoCAD Markup Set Manger.
  • Saving a DWFx file as a DWF file may cause 2D sheet margins to change.
  • Saving a 3D DWFx file after adding markup may cause a DWF Convert Error to be displayed.
  • Selecting a markup tool and clicking the canvas, after panning the view of a 2D DWFx sheet, may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER).
  • After saving a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document, while an embedded 3D DWFx file is active, clicking the Pan button may cause Word or PowerPoint to close unexpectedly.
  • When viewing a DWF file embedded in Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6 or 7), Microsoft Office, or Buzzsaw, choosing Window > Workspace > Default, after one or more palettes have been displayed and unpinned, may cause Design Review to close unexpectedly.
  • When viewing a DWF file embedded in Autodesk Buzzsaw, selecting a different workspace after clicking the Markup tab may cause Buzzsaw to stop responding.
  • When viewing a DWF file embedded in Autodesk Buzzsaw, clicking the Markup tab after adding markup on the Canvas, may cause Buzzsaw to stop responding.
  • Searching for text (from the Find palette or the Find and Help toolbar) within a print, measure, or markup-disabled DWFx file may cause Design Review to close unexpectedly.
  • In some DWFx files, searching for text contained in markup (from the Find palette or the Find and Help toolbar) may cause Design Review to freeze or close unexpectedly.
Measure and Markup
  • Right-clicking 2D markup on the Canvas does not select the markup.
  • When viewing a 2D DWF file, right-clicking a markup object and choosing Delete fails to delete the markup as expected.
  • After adding markup to a 2D DWF file and changing the view, with the Zoom, Pan, or Orbit tools, adding additional markup may cause Design Review to close unexpectedly.
  • In 3D models, when measuring the diameter or radius of a circle, the geometry is measured as one or more arcs rather than as a circle.
  • When measuring on a 2D sheet, deleting a sheet from the Thumbnails or List View palette before completing the measurement, may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER).
  • When markup has been added to a DWFx file and is still selected on the canvas, printing the file may fail to display the new markup on the printed output.
  • Zooming the view, with the mouse wheel or a keyboard shortcut, while measuring geometry on a 2D sheet may cause the measurement to be completed erroneously.
  • The Cut, Copy, and Delete commands may not be available in the Canvas Pane right-click menu, after selecting one or more markup objects on the canvas.
  • After typing information in the Markup Properties palette Notes text box, clicking the markup in the Markups palette may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER).
  • Panning or zooming the view of a 2D sheet, after markup has been added and is still selected on the canvas, may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER).
Printing and Batch Print
  • Printing a saved batch print job that failed to print earlier may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER) and cause Design Review to close unexpectedly.
  • Printing a 3D DWF or DWFx file two times successively may trigger a Customer Error Report (CER) and cause Design Review to close unexpectedly during the second print job.
  • Printing the results of a 2D DWF file comparison that contains markup may cause Design Review to stop responding or, close unexpectedly.
  • Saving a batch print file with a non-English file name, using the Microsoft Input Method Editor to select another language, may cause Design Review to stop responding.
  • Raster images contained within a DWF file may not print as expected.
  • When batch printing several sequential sheets that have been saved as separate DWF files, some sheets may not be printed in the order they are displayed in the Select DWF Files to Print dialog box.

1 comment:

  1. Restored comments

    Anonymous said...

    Link points to Design Review 2008 SP1
    Here is the link to Design Review 2009 SP1:
    Best Regards,
    May 25, 2008

    JTB World said...

    Thanks Jorma!
    I noticed that the problem was that the ID was the same on both 2008 and 2009 SP1.
    Link is now corrected.
    May 26, 2008

    JamesR said...

    Issues created by DR 2009 SP1 -

    Menu bar disappears completely. No more File/.../Help buttons across the top of the screen.

    Maybe it's because I don't have IE7 installed?

    Maybe it's because I'm running XP-SP3?
    June 12, 2008
