Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AutoCAD Architecture PSD showing the drawing name

There was a question in the AutoCAD Architecture discussion group.

“How can i get dwgname of open drawing  in this drawing in  property set per vbscript code?”

Here is how it can be done. I use ACA 2009 but it should work with older versions too. Formula Property Definition below:

On Error Resume Next
Set app = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")

If the full path and name needs to be use just change ActiveDocument.Name to ActiveDocument.FullName.


  1. Is there any way to get it to report the correct file name through an xref? I need to have a schedule in a different file display the name of the drawing that the duct/pipe/whatever lives in. Is there a way to use VB to call a Windows variable like %FILE% or %USERNAME% ?

  2. This might work:
    Dim objWSH
    Dim objUserVariables
    Dim objSystemVariables

    Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objUserVariables = objWSH.Environment("USER")
