Friday, August 29, 2008

OneCare Firewall block rundll32.exe after installing IE8

I just installed Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 and after restarting the PC I got this warning. I’m pretty sure it is safe to allow this program so I gave it a try. Have you also seen this? Is this a false positive or not?

Windows Live OneCare Firewall

Windows Live OneCare Firewall has blocked a program from accessing the Internet. The firewall has blocked this program temporarily so that you can decide whether to allow it to access the Internet. You should only allow programs to do this if you trust the program and its publisher.

Name: Windows host process (Rundll32)
Publisher: Microsoft Windows
Location: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
Company: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 6.0.6000.16386

The options are Allow this program (Always allow this program to access the Internet.), Block this program (Always prevent this program from accessing the Internet.) and Block for now and ask me again later.

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