Monday, September 8, 2008

Navigation Tool for AutoCAD reviewed


This is a neat tool by Autodesk for AutoCAD making it easy to navigate back and forward on the following activities:

  • Active drawing switch
  • Layout switch
  • View changes such as zoom, pan ...etc
  • Active viewport switch
  • Viewport maximize/minimize

It’s like zoom previous on steroids and I look forward having it added into the core AutoCAD in the future.

The free Navigation Tool for AutoCAD is available at Autodesk Labs.

Via It’s Alive in the Lab


  1. To me the word "bonus" means "extra" but since Autodesk is releasing subscription bonus packs and service packs for AutoCAD, I didn't want people to contend with another use of the word bonus. So I removed bonus from the the title for the tool.

  2. Scott, I've removed "bonus" as a bonus favor. ;-)

  3. hohoho tool for good navigation??

  4. useful post thank you.
