Monday, October 6, 2008

Invest in Education when purchasing Autodesk 3D software

Invest in Education is worth knowing about.

Commercial companies that spend $25,000 or more purchasing new seats, cross-grades, or upgrades of qualifying Autodesk 3D software gain the right to grant the same Autodesk software to a post-secondary educational institution of their choice, based in United States, Latin America and Canada.

Reno C. Negrin Architects - Revit Architecture Qualifying Software
  • Autodesk® Inventor® Professional 
  • Autodesk® Inventor® Suite 
  • AutoCAD® Electrical 
  • Autodesk Revit® Architecture 
  • Autodesk Revit® Structure 
  • AutoCAD Revit® MEP Suite 
  • AutoCAD® Civil 3D 
  • Autodesk 3ds Max® Design

What about the rest of the world? No incentive to learn AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, NavisWorks or process plant applications either. But still a very good initiative. Remember it next time you’re spending money on Autodesk.

Via CADD Centers BIM boom blog

1 comment:

  1. They don't want anyone new learning ACA do they! They are doing their best to kill off the old guard as quick as they can, they don't want to create any new 'problem children' hey!
    But I note Chris Yanchar's new post about an ACA council for improvements. I wonder if they just want our names so they know who to hunt down :-) LOL What a crazy world!
