Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2.5 GB space online at Mozy for your backups

Mozy has been extended this special offer to end of November.

See 2.5 GB backup space for Free on Mozy for more info. Notice that it’s not just space it includes a great software that handles the backup for you.

On the topic of online backup systems see this post on Obsessable that talks positively about Elephant Drive. I have not tried that one myself so far though.


  1. I saw the Obsessable reveiws - ElephantDrive (so far) is actually pretty good. Some elements are similar to Mozy, which I tried earlier this year. For whatever reason, Mozy was super slow. While it will still take a while to back everything up, ElephantDrive is going much faster.

  2. You guys should check out Syncplicity (, we (I work there) give a 2GB account for free, with the ability to get to 5GB by referring three others.

    Syncplicity allows real-time sync, sharing, backup, and restore...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. flavius, no need to post identical comments on multiple posts.
