Wednesday, January 7, 2009

JTB FlexReport database compression tip

Here is a JTB FlexReport database compression tip.

This example is for the JTBFlexReport.NET.mdb database with real data.

If you compress/compact the database it will probably go down a bit in size.

I used Microsoft Access for this (this step is not needed though). Make a backup first and don’t delete it until you are sure the reports and everything works with the compacted one.

Stop also the Windows Service for JTB FlexReport before you compact the database and start it again when you are ready.

If I use JTB FlexReport database administration and compact it and if I also select to delete 0 license usage. If you use this application there is no need to compress the database with Access.

The reason for this is that 2,892,386 rows in the “log” table has 0 used licenses. In a coming version there will be support for the option to not save these rows in the first place.

Another thing that only can be done manually at this point. The table tblDeniedUserLog can after a while contain many rows and after deleting them and compacting the database the size can goes down a lot. This table is populated with data from the FLEXnet debug logs so you would also need to start with empty debug logs at the same time. It can be a good idea to backup the debug logs and start with new ones as it can affect the snapshot time quite a lot if they are too big in size.

Consider also if there are features that you find no reason to log to the database at all and set them to not be logged in JTB FlexReport Config.

PS. Further work to support SQL Server is going on but will still take several weeks until it is ready because of all the work included. .NET Framework 3.5 will also be required at this point meaning that Windows 2000 will not be supported (at least not fully).

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