Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insulating concrete building method

Fagerdala EPS System is a Swedish invention that have started to be used in Sweden.

The new insulating concrete in Fagerdala EPS System is a mixture of cement and recycled plastic foam balls (diameter, 1-5 mm) replacing all material layers in an ordinary rule wall. This wall is at the same time bearing, heat insulating, moisture resistant and non-combustible. There are no beams or material transitions that can leak heat. Thick plaster on the outside to protect from the weather. The walls can breathe, resulting in smoother and healthier indoor climate.

A normal single-family houses can be installed in less than a week. The entire production process, from order to a complete interior house, taking up to three months, according Fagerdala.

See this page for images and illustrations.

Via Ny Teknik

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