Saturday, May 2, 2009

Guide to Sustainable Design for Architecture, Engineering & Construction

This is a nicely done interactive guide. It is easy to understand and guides you to Sustainable Design for Architecture, Engineering & Construction. Check it out here.

This is a free online resource that illustrates sustainable design principles, decisions and technologies for every phase of the building project lifecycle. The Guide helps owners, architects, engineers and contractors select their building paths and view the consequences of their design choices on the efficient use of water, energy, materials and land.

Disclaimer is that a lot is with focus on Autodesk products and American standards.

A method called passive houses is getting common here in Sweden.

Passive houses are airtight buildings that use heat from appliances and even the occupants' bodies for warmth. They have thick insulation, are oriented to maximize winter sun and use a heat exchanger to warm outside air that circulates throughout. The result is a house that needs little or no extra energy for heating, even in very cold climates. – NYTimes

Click for larger picture

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