Friday, May 28, 2010

What is the solution if AutoCAD 2011 hangs at startup?

If you try to start AutoCAD 2011 and it hangs and becomes unresponsive the solution might be to that the Autodesk InfoCenter file C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\WSCommCntr\lib\WSCommCntr2.exe is still running. AutoCAD starts to the point that you can see the application UI, command line, Properties and so on. This happened to me right now so I though I should share the solution.

If you just kill the WSCommCntr2.exe process in Windows Task Manager AutoCAD becomes responsive again and you can start using it. No need to kill the acad.exe process.


  1. This has been a problem for a long long time. Prior to 2009, you could kill the .exe itself and nuke the registry setting (or modify the value assigned) to kill the process from trying start. Then Autodesk moved into the core package, so the registry is the only way to kill it off. I wish they'd offer a way to skip it entirely during the install. It's pure hell in isolated (secure) environments without an Internet connection. It hangs even worse.

  2. Having same problem with 2011 Plant 3D. Killing the process you show did not work for me.

  3. Thanks man, that's gonna save my butt.

  4. Thanks, that solved it for me.
