Monday, August 9, 2010

We need CAD to design meals

With a 3D molecular food printer we need some software. Maybe something for Autodesk labs to look at. A requirement for the software is to be in the cloud but that is something they already are familiar with. How about a Project Cousine…

Nico Kläber takes the marriage of science and cooking to a new level with “Moléculaire”, the 3D molecular food printer. Moléculaire is influenced by chefs that scientifically and painstakingly experiment with food and food states to surprise and provoke fresh ideas in cooking. Kläber recognizes that this approach, as it currently exists, requires great skill, time and knowledge. The Moléculaire simplifies the process and acts as a computer numerical control (CNC) food printer for both professional and domestic kitchens. It autonomously prepares basic and otherwise difficult to create two and three dimensional parts of meals. It works with a layer by layer printing process using small particles from diverse ingredients. This provides simplicity, accuracy, repeatability and, of course, great tasting food!

A bit of old news but I wanted to share it anyway. Via Electrolux Design Lab

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