Monday, September 13, 2010

Webinar: Improving teamwork in product development

Could your product development team work together better? Are decisions being made that aren’t being communicated immediately to the entire team? Does your team have any nagging issues with the project (how’s that for a leading question? :-) )

If so, you will want to join us to see how Vuuch can solve these problems.

Please join us on Tuesday, September 14 at noon ET, 9am PT, 16:00 GMT for an introduction to Vuuch. Register for our webinar at In less than an hour, you will learn how social technology can revolutionize teamwork in product development projects.

Oh, and this week’s webinar will be the world premier of Vuuch 3.0.

We hope you will be able to join us. Register here.

Repost from: Webinar: Improving teamwork in product development

Vuuch is available for AutoCAD too. Visit Vuuch for AutoCAD for details.

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