Monday, December 13, 2010

SSMPropEditor paid for itself on its first use

I got this comment from a customer today: “We work across a network drive which really slows sheet set manager down, your product has already paid for itself on it's first use.”

If you use AutoCAD’s Sheet Set Manager you might find that some tasks can be very time consuming and tedious.

Say you have Properties that holds information for sheet revisions like the revision, date, name and revision description. If you now have a bunch of sheets that you want to update to a new revision you need to do it one by one within SSM.

SSMPropEditor comes to help making it possible to select one, many or all sheets in a sheet set and update all properties at once. Even if the revisions are different they can easily be incremented automatically to the next revision number.

Contact us to get a time limited license file for free or purchase with a price per license of only 25 EUR or less depending on the total number of licenses purchased.

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