Monday, May 16, 2011

Autodesk Seek adds New Quality Assurance Icons

Autodesk Seek will be enhanced with a file quality rating.

Here is a chart showing the file quality icons.

This is an example showing one rated product an one that is not yet rated.

From the press release:

New Quality Assurance Icons Expand Evaluation Support to Meet Needs of Growing Customer Base

Autodesk has announced the integration of a new quality rating system within Autodesk Seek, a free web service that enables architects and design professionals to quickly discover, preview and download branded and generic Building Information Modeling (BIM) models, drawings and specifications. To help architects, designers and manufacturers ensure quality when using intelligent models, drawings and specifications found in Seek, Autodesk will evaluate and rate each item using a set of seven icons. Additional ratings will be introduced over the coming months, beginning with ratings for chairs, doors, tables and benches. Additional model types will be evaluated throughout the year.

“The steady growth in the number and variety of models we have made available through Autodesk Seek has proven the system’s value as a key component in our BIM initiative,” said Jonathan Rydz, co-leader of the Bradley BIM Development Team, Bradley Corporation. “The addition of the rating system will ensure that our users know they have the best quality models.”

Some stats: Autodesk Seek is right now averaging 850,000 searches per month and 1,800,000 visitors this year alone, with nearly half of all visitors downloading files.

Via AutoCAD 2012’s Content Explorer, Autodesk Seek can be explored. Not sure though if the ratings will show up there.

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