Friday, June 24, 2011

Sheet Set Manager performance issue with Windows 2008 R2 server with SMB V2 active

This is for users of AutoCAD or any AutoCAD vertical together with Sheet Set Manager (SSM) having DWG files stored in a Windows 2008 R2 server with SMB V2 active. It seems to be unrelated to the AutoCAD version. Should affect AutoCAD LT 2012 too.

As soon we open a Sheet Set from the server, Process Explorer shows that the process AdcomFolderWatch.dll uses until 50% CPU utilization, and the Network traffic goes up and stays at ~5 Mbps, even after closing all drawings in AutoCAD).

This issue only affects the systems having SMB Ver.2 active, like Windows 2008 Server R2.

The Autodesk development team is working actively in trying to fix this issue, but for instance, the only way to avoid it is to enable SMB 1. See How to Disable SMB 2.0 on Windows Vista/2008

Via Up and Ready

See also Slow Sheet Set Manager solution and Sheet Set Manager performance tips as well as the Sheet Set Manager Editor SSMPropEditor.

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