Wednesday, May 2, 2012

AutoCAD 2013 New System Variables

In AutoCAD 2013 I have found these 40 new system variables.

New system variables Description
ANNOMONITOR Turns the annotation monitor on and off.
ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY Sets the default behavior of new arrays to be associative or non-associative.
CACHEMAXFILES Sets the maximum number of graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product.
CACHEMAXTOTALSIZE Sets the maximum total size of all graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product.
CLIPROMPTLINES Sets the number of lines displayed in the temporary prompt history when the command window is set to display one line.
CLIPROMPTUPDATE Controls whether the command line displays the progress as a command or script is run.
CVIEWDETAILSTYLE Sets the name of the current detail view style. The current detail view style controls the appearance of all new model documentation detail views, detail boundaries and leader lines you create.
CVIEWSECTIONSTYLE Sets the name of the current detail view style. The current detail view style controls the appearance of all new model documentation detail views, detail boundaries and leader lines you create.
DISPLAYVIEWCUBEIN2D Controls the display of the ViewCube tool when the 2D Wireframe visual style is applied to a viewport.
ONLINEDOCMODE Indicates whether a copy of a new drawing is saved automatically to your Autodesk 360 account.
ONLINEDOCUMENTS Stores whether you can open and save drawing files directly to your Autodesk 360 account.
ONLINESYNCTIME Controls the time interval for synchronizing current customization settings with a local cache, which then stored in your Autodesk 360 account.
PALETTEICONSTATE Indicates whether palettes are in icon state.
PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS Controls the appearance of a polyline when it is reversed.
POINTCLOUDBOUNDARY Turns the display of a point cloud bounding box on and off.
POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME Controls whether a point cloud clipping boundary is visible on the screen and when printed.
POINTCLOUDPOINTMAX Sets the maximum number of point cloud points that can exist in a drawing.
PROPERTYPREVIEW Controls whether in-canvas preview of property editing, through object or style, is enabled.
PROPPREVTIMEOUT Sets the maximum number of seconds for a property preview to display before the preview is automatically cancelled.
SELECTIONPREVIEWLIMIT Limits the number of objects that can display preview highlighting during a window or crossing selection.
SNAPGRIDLEGACY Specifies whether the grid snap is active only when specifying a point, or also during object selection. (Came with AutoCAD 2012 SP1)
SUPPRESSALERTS Controls alerts about potential data loss when opening and saving newer drawings in older versions of the product.
THUMBSAVE Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing.
VIEWSKETCHMODE Turns the view sketching state on or off.
VIEWUPDATEAUTO Specifies whether Model Documentation views are updated automatically when changes are pending.
WIPEOUTFRAME Controls the display of frames for wipeout objects.

At first I found SPLINEREVERSEWIDTHS but now I’m not sure where it came from. Maybe mixed up with PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS.

Have you found any more?


  1. I've SNAPGRIDLEGACY in AutoCAD 2012 and I can't find SPLINEREVERSEWIDTHS in AutoCAD 2013

  2. SNAPGRIDLEGACY Came with AutoCAD 2012 SP1.

    I looked for SPLINEREVERSEWIDTHS right now and cannot find it so I'm not sure from where I got it.
