Monday, January 13, 2014

SmartPurger 3.5 released

SmartPurger 3.5 from JTB World is now available both from our product page as well as on Autodesk Exchange Apps. A free trial is available of SmartPurger so you can give it a try.

SmartPurger not only purges multiple drawings but can also batch process most anything you like if you have any Script or AutoLISP files you want to run on a bunch of DWGs. If you don’t know how we can help to create it so you can automate your manual tasks. An AutoCAD based application is required to run SmartPurger but it can also work with other DWG compatible CAD applications.

These are the bug fixes for this release:

-Fixed a bug where accoreconsole did not save to specified DWG version
-Purge multileader styles bug fixed where it did not always purge these styles.
-Handle dialog box about VBA not installed
-Fixed bug where Educational Version - Terminated sometimes show up in status column even though the drawing is not educational

If you are interested in other useful AutoCAD helper functions take a look at JTB Sheet Set Creator, DigSigStamp,Batch Publish for AutoCAD, DimensionPatrol, TransTips or OffsetInXref.

If you need any custom app created, small or large, for AutoCAD or Revit you are welcome to contact us.

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