Monday, March 28, 2016

Autodesk DWG TrueView 2017

DWG TrueView is Autodesk’s free desktop software that enables you to view .dwg files and lets you convert newer .dwg files to work with older versions of AutoCAD. DWG TrueView 2017 is now available and is based on AutoCAD 2017 and that means some of the performance and visual quality enhancements are included as well as snapping to gaps on dotted or dashed linetypes. A few other things, for example dialogs (DWGPROPS, PAGESETUP) being resizable also works in DWG TrueView.

Here’s budweiser2013.dwg viewed in Autodesk DWG TrueView 2017.

DWG TrueView 2017 System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Update KB2919355
  • Microsoft Windows 10

The System Requirements did not say anything about Windows 8 but I guess it can work too.

.NET Framework Version 4.6

Deploying DWG TrueView

If you want to deploy DWG TrueView silently/unattended here is how, just make sure the .NET Framework prerequisites are already installed first and you will be able to script this or deploy using SMS or SCCM.

Here is how to install it the easiest way:
Setup.exe /q /w

alternatively specifying the ini file:
Setup.exe /q /w /i setup.ini

Optionally you can look at the setup.ini to just install what you want to install alternatively edit the ini and remove what you don’t want to include or for example change the installation path by editing INSTALL_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Autodesk or remove the desktop shortcut by editing CREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=YES.

To uninstall DWG TrueView locate the GUID for the software. Look up this key in regedit.exe and then search for TrueView:

Below is what I found for DWG TrueView 2017 64-bit:

So either of these works fine, Passive display option. The installer displays a progress bar to the user that indicates that an installation is in progress but no prompts or error messages are displayed to the user.
MsiExec.exe /x {28B89EEF-0028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D} /passive

Quiet display option. The installer runs an installation without displaying a user interface. No prompts, messages, or dialog boxes are displayed to the user.
Never restart option. The installer never restarts the computer after the installation.
MsiExec.exe /x {28B89EEF-0028-0409-0100-CF3F3A09B77D} /quiet /norestart

Download DWG TrueView here.

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