If you run into this there is an explanation in this Autodesk Community post. Here’s the result after running DATAEXTRACTION and making the output to Excel.

I noticed the problem in AutoCAD 2018 and it seems like it is the same with older versions of AutoCAD too.
The solution is not a good one as you may put your computer in danger by uninstalling the Windows security updates.
We have become aware that Microsoft recently released some security updates for Windows operating systems. There are currently three updates that I am aware of that break functionality in Core AutoCAD and its connection with Microsoft Excel. For instance, customers can expect that when running a Data Extraction and saving the results in an Excel spreadsheet, the first cell (A1) will display ‘DeleteMe’ and no other data will appear.
The three update numbers are:
The remedy at this point in time is to simply uninstall the security updates until a more permanent solution is determined. Removal should restore full functionality of the features.
Inventor 2015-2011 also appears to be affected. Removal of the security updates will restore functionality of placing such features as holes and threads. Another solution, to be taken at the customer’s own risk is to change the following registry key setting:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Inventor\RegistryVersion XX.0\System\Preference\Part\UseExcelToReadthreadFile to 1
UPDATE 2017-11-15: Windows November updates like kb4048952 or kb4048955 or possibly Windows 10 OS Build 15063.674 fixes this issue.