Friday, April 20, 2018

AutoCAD and Controlled folder access

“One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created.” is an AutoCAD Message that might not be so helpful. In my case I tried to save the drawing to a specific folder.

AutoCAD Message

If you get this message check if you in Windows 10 have activated Controlled folder access. Either turn it off or allow AutoCAD (acad.exe) through Controlled folder access.

Controlled folder access

There can be a lot of other reasons for seeing this message. Here’s what can be found on the Autodesk Knowledge Network:

This error can have multiple causes:
  • Corrupt drawing.
  • Corrupt user profile.
  • Low free disk space.
  • File server issues.
  • Missing drive (such as a USB drive that is no longer connected).
  • Proxy objects (objects created by third-party applications or other Autodesk applications) that are not recognized by AutoCAD.
  • The DACH Extension is installed (AutoCAD Civil 3D) and "empty" surfaces and the "DTM Dreiecksbeschriftung" function is present.
  • Network adapter settings
Enable full saves instead of incremental saves in AutoCAD
On the command line in AutoCAD, type ISAVEPERCENT and set the value to 0 (zero).
Corrupt drawing / low free disk space
  • Use the AUDIT command to repair your drawing. This should allow it to be saved.
  • Use SAVEAS or WBLOCK to create a new file.
  • If the drawing immediately shows the error when you save without making changes in the drawing, insert the drawing into a new drawing created from the acad.dwt template.
Corrupt AutoCAD User Profile
Reset AutoCAD (see How to reset AutoCAD to defaults).
Corrupt Windows User Profile
Login as another user and try again. If this works an administrator has to reset the Windows User profile
File Server issues
If this error occurs when you are saving drawing files inside file management software, set AutoCAD and the file management software to both run as administrator and disable User Account Control in Windows.
Proxy objects
Enable recognition for proxy objects by setting the following variables to 1: ​Use the command -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD to create a new file that only contains AutoCAD-native objects. Then use that new file going forward.
Remove the German DACH Extension
See Error: "DGM-Beschriftung Wird neu erstellt" Civil 3D 2016.
Windows Search service
Check the folders that contain your drawings to see if they can be indexed by the Windows Search service (right-click > Properties > Advanced). Make sure Windows is not indexing the folders. On occasion, the indexing repeatedly causes this error with AutoCAD drawings.
Network adapter settings
Disable the TCP Offload setting in your network adapter. For instructions on this, consult the manufacturer of your Ethernet adapter. 

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