Tuesday, December 18, 2018

No more 32-bit AutoCAD from AutoCAD 2020 and on

According to this knowledge base article AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 32-Bit will be discontinued in upcoming AutoCAD 2020.

“Over the past several years, Autodesk has reduced its support for 32-bit systems which are low in memory and result in a poor drafting experience and high crash rates. Starting with the next annual release of AutoCAD, there will no longer be a 32-bit offering for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT and Developer Products.

By eliminating use of this outdated technology (and focusing on 64-bit solutions), we will be able to provide our customers a better AutoCAD experience and focus on delivering more value to our subscribers.

If you are currently running 64-bit AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT: There is no action for you to take and you will not be impacted by this change.

If you are currently using 32-bit AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT: Customers who are currently using 32-bit AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT can continue using their current software without any issue.

You can choose to stay on your current version of AutoCAD and/or AutoCAD LT or upgrade your OS and hardware (to take advantage of future releases of AutoCAD and LT that will only be available as 64-bit).”

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