Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Subsets and Sheets in a Sheet List Table

Creating a Sheet List Table in AutoCAD can be a powerful way to organize and manage your drawing sheets. You can create a Sheet List Table by right-clicking on a Subset but there is a limitation that is still there in AutoCAD 2025. It says: "If a subset is checked it will be tracked to automatically include new sheets added to that subset and prompt for the table to be updated."

It does not mention about moved sheets between subsets and as you might see it doesn't work.

Removing sheets from the Sheet Set and relocating Sheets within the Subset works.

BricsCAD V25 also has this limitation.

You might even look to condense or aggregate a long Sheet List for example based on the Sheet Description and show all Sheets with same Sheet Description on one row and just show what Sheet Numbers there are with their description like this example "3,5,7-9" "ELEVATIONS".

If these limitations are impacting your workflow, feel free to contact us for a custom solution.

Sheet List Subset Table

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Solution to error: no function definition: ACET-LOAD-EXPRESSTOOLS

If you are using an AutoLISP function like (acet-tjust (ssget "_L") "TC") it needs Express Tools to be installed but in AutoCAD 2025 it still doesn't work.

Command: (acet-tjust (ssget "_L") "TC")
; error: no function definition: ACET-TJUST

The reason is that the Express Tools Utility functions are no initialized automatically.

For this reason you need to use the new function (acet-load-expresstools). If the Express Tools Utility functions are already loaded, acet-load-expresstools does nothing. Use it just like (vl-load-com).

But if you share code between AutoCAD 2025 and older versions the older versions can show errors like

; error: no function definition: ACET-LOAD-EXPRESSTOOLS

or in the case of BricsCAD

----- Error around expression -----
; error : no function definition <ACET-LOAD-EXPRESSTOOLS> ; expected FUNCTION at [eval]

What I use is this solution.

(if (findfile "acetutil.arx") (load "acetutil"))
(if (boundp 'acet-load-expresstools) (acet-load-expresstools))

If you try to find acet-tjust in AutoCAD's dev doc you will be out of luck as it is undocumented, but BricsCAD has you covered as seen here.

These "ExpressTools" API functions are currently provided by BricsCAD and are identical to AutoCAD's:

Blocks (acet-block-xxx)

Calculations (acet-calc)

Diskfile-Init functions

Dictionary (acet-dict-xxx)

Entity (acet-ent-xxx)

Entity-Groups (acet-group-xxx)

Error (acet-error-xxx)

Files (acet-file-xxx)

Filenames (acet-filename-xxx)

Geometry (acet-geom-xxx)

GeneralProperties (acet-general)

Layer (acet-layer-xxx)

Lists (acet-list-xxx)

Polyline (acet-pline-xxx)

Registry (acet-reg-xxx)

SelectionSets (acet-ss-xxx)

Strings (acet-str-xxx)

System (acet-sys-xxx)

SystemVariables (acet-sysvar-xxx)

Ucs (acet-ucs-xxx)

UserInterface (acet-ui-xxx)

Viewport (aced-viewport-xxx)

XData (aced-xdata-xxx)

Common Utilities (acet-xxx)

Insert+Atrributes Functions

SymbolTable Functions

Additionally, a number of general and special purpose (acet::xxx) utility functions are provided.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

JTB SSMPropEditor 2024.8.0 released

JTB SSMPropEditor 2024.8.0 has been released and comes with some improvements and fixes.  

Recent updates in versions after 2024.3.0:

  • Bug fix: Sorting by sheet number giving unexpected results.
  • Paste sheet count improved and bugs fixed.
  • Improved way to enter license activation key.
  • Fixed empty tree view bugs.
  • Fixed import bug.
  • Timeout for layout renaming increased to 5 minutes for cases with very large DWG files.
  • Improved Recent Sheet Sets with remove option of non-existing Sheet Sets.
  • Layout renaming bugs fixed.
  • File Name renaming bugs fixed.
  • Sheet indexing. If no sheet is selected Sheet Number is default.
  • Sheet indexing bug fixed.
  • Removed Show Properties as it no longer is needed.
  • Improved dialog boxes when closing and exiting.

Are you using the Sheet Set Manager in AutoCAD, GstarCAD and BricsCAD, NanoCAD Plus/Pro, Graebert's ARES Commander 2022 and newer, DraftSight 2021 and newer, ZWCAD 2023 or newer, or AutoCAD Architecture's Project Navigator (PN) Sheet Set View? If you do, then SSMPropEditor will help a lot, save time and effort updating sheet properties and sheet custom properties across multiple sheets with its DST editing capabilities.

Free trial of JTB SSMPropEditor available.