' Sheet Set Manager sample ' By Jimmy Bergmark ' Copyright (C) 2005 by JTB World ' www.jtbworld.com ' 2005-01-04 ' ' SyncLayoutFileName works on the current opened sheet set ' It makes sure that the file name matches the Sheet number ' It makes sure that the layout name is the Sheet number ' concatenated with the Sheet title ' It includes code that shows who is locking the Sheet Set if it's locked ' ' Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ' for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ' that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and ' that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and ' restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting ' documentation. ' ' JTB World PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. ' JTB World SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ' MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. JTB World ' DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE ' UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. Public Sub SyncLayoutFileName() Dim i As Integer ' Return how many Sheets Sets that are open i = SheetSetsOpen If i > 1 Then MsgBox "More than one Sheet Set are open. Make sure only one is open.", _ vbCritical Exit Sub ElseIf i = 0 Then MsgBox "No Sheet Set is open. Make sure one is open.", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase Dim db As IAcSmDatabase Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet If ssm Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Something wrong here: 1", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Set dbIter = ssm.GetDatabaseEnumerator If dbIter Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Something wrong here: 2", vbCritical Exit Sub End If dbIter.Reset 'get the Database of the first sheetset Set db = dbIter.Next If db Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No Sheet Set open", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Set ss = db.GetSheetSet If ss Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Cannot get the Sheet Set", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Set oSheetIter = ss.GetSheetEnumerator If oSheetIter Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If Dim lockStatus As AcSmLockStatus Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus If lockStatus = AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then db.LockDb db Else Call db.UnlockDb(db, True) Let lockStatus = db.GetLockStatus If lockStatus <> AcSmLockStatus_UnLocked Then Dim sUserName As String Dim sMachineName As String db.GetLockOwnerInfo sUserName, sMachineName MsgBox "The Sheet Set is locked by " & sUserName & _ " at " & sMachineName, vbCritical Exit Sub End If End If Dim compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent Set compEnum = ss.GetSheetEnumerator Call LoopThroughSheets(compEnum) Call db.UnlockDb(db, True) End Sub Private Sub LoopThroughSheets(ByVal compEnum As IAcSmEnumComponent) Dim bChanged As Boolean Dim comp As IAcSmComponent Set comp = compEnum.Next() Do While Not comp Is Nothing If comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then Dim s As AcSmSheet Set s = comp Dim sNumber As String Dim sTitle As String Debug.Print s.GetNumber Debug.Print s.GetTitle Debug.Print s.GetDesc Dim oLayout As IAcSmNamedAcDbObjectReference Set oLayout = s.GetLayout Dim sRFN As String bFileFound = True On Error Resume Next sRFN = oLayout.ResolveFileName If Err.Number = -2147024894 Then MsgBox "The file for Sheet " & oLayout.GetFileName & _ " cannot be found." & vbNewLine & "Number: " & _ s.GetNumber & " Title: " & s.GetTitle bFileFound = False End If On Error GoTo 0 If bFileFound Then ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open (sRFN) ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace ThisDrawing.MSpace = False ZoomExtents bChanged = False If UCase(ThisDrawing.FullName) = UCase(sRFN) Then sTitle = s.GetTitle sNumber = s.GetNumber ' Can fail if there are multiple layouts If ThisDrawing.Layouts.Count > 2 Then MsgBox "This drawing has more than one layout " & _ "and there might result in some error", vbCritical End If If ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Name <> sNumber & " " & sTitle Then If sNumber = "" Then ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Name = sTitle Else ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Name = sNumber & " " & sTitle End If bChanged = True End If ' Compare the referenced layout and file name ' The file name should be the same as the Sheet Number Dim sSheetFileName As String If s.GetNumber = "" Then sSheetFileName = s.GetTitle & ".dwg" MsgBox "The Sheet " & s.GetTitle & _ " doesn't have any Sheet Number so the Title is used as file name" Else sSheetFileName = s.GetNumber & ".dwg" End If If oLayout.GetName <> s.GetTitle Or _ UCase(sSheetFileName) <> UCase(ThisDrawing.Name) Then oLayout.InitNew s oLayout.SetName ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Name If UCase(sSheetFileName) <> UCase(ThisDrawing.Name) Then Dim oldFullName As String Dim newFullName As String newFullName = ThisDrawing.Path & "\" & sSheetFileName If FileExists(newFullName) Then MsgBox newFullName & " already exist" End If oldFullName = ThisDrawing.FullName ThisDrawing.SaveAs newFullName oLayout.SetFileName newFullName On Error Resume Next Kill (oldFullName) On Error GoTo 0 Else oLayout.SetFileName ThisDrawing.FullName End If End If End If ThisDrawing.Close bChanged End If ElseIf comp.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then Dim sset As AcSmSubset Set sset = comp Call LoopThroughSheets(sset.GetSheetEnumerator) End If Set comp = compEnum.Next() Loop End Sub Private Function FileExists(filename As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler FileExists = (GetAttr(filename) And vbDirectory) = 0 ErrorHandler: End Function
AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture (ACA/ADT), Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, BIM, CAD, AutoLISP, VBA, VB, VB.NET, C#, databases, Access, SQL Server, FlexNet (FLEXlm), license usage reporting, software design, development, customization, integration...
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Sheet Set Manager API code sample for AutoCAD 2005
Some of you have requested a code sample how to use the Sheet Set Manager API for AutoCAD 2005.
Here is one that you can download and take a look at.
Restored comments
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Do you have a VLA example of the code for accessing the sheet sets?
If you don't I'll be studying it a bit, posting it myself...Rudy@Cadentity.com
January 20, 2005
JTB World said...
No, I don't have any VLA equivalent. I will stick by VBA and VB.NET when using the SSM API.
January 21, 2005
Elise Moss said...
I am trying to write a program that will automate plotting a selected sheet set (drawing package); using VB6 (Visual Studio) to access the SSM and your code is helpful, but I can't get my code to work.
'code snippet
'has the user selected a drawing package
If lstdst.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "You must select a drawing package to plot."
Exit Sub
End If
' open the database
'create the db filestring
dstname = lstdst.Text
msgstring = "selected package = " & dstname
MsgBox msgstring
If dstname = "WGVU 179051" Then
dstname = "wgvu.dst"
End If
If dstname = "OETA 388041" Then
dstname = "oeta.dst"
End If
If dstname = "PAPPAS 144051" Then
dstname = "pappas.dst"
End If
If dstname = "SALES SAMPLE PACKAGE" Then
dstname = "sample sales dwgs.dst"
End If
filestring = "\\signastor\engineering\sheet sets\" & dstname
msgstring = "selected package = " & filestring
MsgBox msgstring
Dim ssm As New AcSmSheetSetMgr
Dim dbIter As IAcSmEnumDatabase
Dim db As IAcSmDatabase
Dim ss As AcSmSheetSet
Set ssm = CreateObject("AcSmComponents.AcSmSheetSetMgr")
Set db = ssm.OpenDatabase(filestring, True)
'end of snippet
The error occurs on the CreateObject line. It says "specified module not found". I have loaded the Acsmcomponents16 library as a reference, so that is not the problem. That line of code is part of the code snippets provided by Autodesk, but I think it is for VBA, not VB.
Any ideas?
February 25, 2005