Tuesday, March 14, 2006

AutoCAD 2007 Purge and Workspace enhancements

The purge (and -purge) command now also purges materials and visual styles not used in the drawing.

Command: -PURGE Enter type of unused objects to purge [Blocks/Dimstyles/LAyers/LTypes/MAterials/Plotstyles/SHapes/ textSTyles/Mlinestyles/Tablestyles/Visualstyles/Regapps/All]:

Starting AutoCAD with the command line switch /w designates which workspace in the loaded CUI files should be restored on startup. A welcome feature that we really missed in AutoCAD 2006 when workspaces where introduced.

* JTB World's SmartPurger will be updated to work fully with AutoCAD 2007 *

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