Monday, April 23, 2007

JTB FlexReport news

The latest version of JTB FlexReport has a great new HTML report that shows the network license usage for FLEXlm- or FLEXnet-enabled software's. Take a look and try this sample report. This html report can for example be made available on you intranet or with a click on a button from within an application like AutoCAD.

Contact us for a free fully functional trial.

  • Try to click on the different links like Expand, Collapse, Show and Hide.
  • Click also on individual applications.
  • Notice the information when a server is unavailable or a feature is not existing.
  • One or more stars (*) indicate that the license has been in use for a long time.
  • The hours a license has been in use shows.

  • Aggregated usage aggregate the usage across multiple license servers.

Existing customers can just download and install the new version. To upgrade there is no need to uninstall first. If you want to be on the safe side just make a backup of the database.

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