Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Copy Layers in AutoCAD to a list or Excel

I tried this in AutoCAD 2004 and it didn’t work but in AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD 2009 it works (possibly some earlier versions too, but I don’t have them installed to try in).

click to enlarge

You can select one, many or all layers (CTRL+A or right click and select all) and then press CTRL+C. Then just paste into Excel, Word or even directly to AutoCAD.

If all layers are copied a header is also included with all columns:

Status    Name    On    Freeze    Lock    Color    Linetype    Lineweight    Plot Style    Plot    New VP Freeze    Description

Notice also that if a column is hidden it will not be included.

I’ve known about this tip since before but got reminded that it also works in AutoCAD LT.


  1. Doesn't work in ADT6 either. copying gives a (NONcrashing) Unhandled Exception.
    Thanks that will be real handy when I finally get to 09!

  2. Good tip. Copy layers in AutoCAD to a list in Excel also works in AutoCAD 2007.
