Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to rename a Sheet Set dst file

Here is a short tutorial on how to rename the dst file, not only the name that you can see in Sheet Set Manager (SSM) in AutoCAD.

As you can see in Sheet Set Properties you can change the name but not the name of the sheet set data file. It is grayed out.
 Sheet Set Properties

What happens if you just rename the dst file is that “the sheet set association has been lost” if you open a drawing from that sheet set directly without doing it from SSM. It will still try to open the old dst file.

To avoid this click “Ignore lost association” and close the drawing without saving.


Make sure no one is having the Sheet Set or any of the drawings in the Sheet Set open.

Rename the dst file in Windows Explorer. (If someone has the Sheet Set open you will find that the old file will be recreated by AutoCAD.)

Open the renamed Sheet Set in the SSM. Right click on the top node and select “Resave All Sheets”. You don’t want to manually open and save each file from the Sheet Set if you have hundreds of sheets.

Now the drawings have been re-associated with the Sheet Set in a correct way.

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  1. Another nice tip Jimmy.

    I know this has been asked many times but is it possible for files which have changed directory to be relinked to their carefully constructed sheet set?

    Using SSMpropeditor?

  2. Hi,
    You can manually do this if it is just a few sheets. Say you have moved one sheet to another location. In SSM right click on the Sheet and select Properties. In Properties you have Expected layout and there you can click on "..." and in Import Layout as Sheet click on Browse for Drawings and when it shows up in the list make sure to check the checkbox. Finally click on Import Checked.

    SSMPropEditor can not do this in the current version.

    If you have a lot of sheets moved you can use Sheet Set Manager Path Edit.

    Another method is that I have a DST to XML converter. Using this one you can edit the XML file using search and replace, correcting the paths and then convert back to DST. You can edit the XML in XML Notepad or any other XML or TXT editor.

    Feel free to contact me directly.

  3. I did not know that DST format had to be converted to XML format.

    Thanks for the information about Sheet Set Manager Path Edit.

    We needed something like that a while back. Your price is very reasonable. I will surely let you know when we face a similar situation in the future.
