Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More details on VBA in AutoCAD 2010 products

AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD OEM 2010, AutoCAD Architecture 2010, AutoCAD MEP 2010, AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 and AutoCAD Electrical 2010 are NOT delivered with VBA. Only exceptions are Autodesk Inventor 2010 and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010.

No need for panic as VBA for AutoCAD is available to download at no cost from www.autodesk.com/vba-download

It is permitted to include the VBA Enabler with your own AutoCAD-based application installer.

These are all commands that will trigger this dialog box.

VBARUN, VBALOAD, –VBALOAD as well as Runmacro and LoadMacro functions.

To determine if VBA is installed:

  • Use SearchPath() (or equivalent) to try and find the AcVba.arx in the configured %PATH%.
  • Check the VBA Enabler registry entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2010 VBA Enabler:<LANGID>

See also No VBA installed with AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD 2010 VBA and VSTA future

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