Thursday, May 28, 2009

AutoCAD Architecture 2009 Update 3

Knowledge Base document: AutoCAD Architecture 2009 Product Update 3

Knowledge Base document: AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2009.1 Product Update 3

Downloads for Update 3

You can apply this update to the following Autodesk products running on all supported operating systems and languages. This update (Service Pack) includes both Update 1 & Update 2.

The following defects have been fixed in AutoCAD Architecture 2009 Update 3

Display themes

  • The use of manual text properties involving numbers caused incorrect display properties.

Drawing management

  • Loading certain projects or linking particular drawings to a project caused a hang or crash.
  • Modifying files under the current project folder led to a crash.

Export to AutoCAD

  • Wipeouts in devices did not have the correct appearance after Export.


  • When moving objects in the Conceptual Visual Style, the grips would become separated from objects.


  • Walls were shifted from the correct position or missing when certain files are imported.
  • Some slabs would be in the wrong position when certain files are imported.
  • A crash would occur when importing some files.
  • Overridden materials were not preserved after re-importing a file.


  • Cursor movement was slow when objects are isolated and Dynamic UCS is on.


  • A crash would occur when updating schedule tables that refer to external files with certain spaces.

Tool palettes

  • A block would be added to the drawing even though the placement using a tool was canceled.

Wall objects

  • Add selected of walls from previous version drawings with cleanup based on the centerline caused cleanup to fail.
  • Copy offset behavior was not the same as in AutoCAD Architecture 2008.
  • Canceling out of the Wall Edit In Place "Save Changes" dialog could cause a crash.


  • Linework and component geometry in walls were not correct when the host and xref drawing use different units.

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