Wednesday, May 27, 2009

ProSteel 3D customization using COM with AutoLISP and VBA

I have done coding using the ProSteel API and it is pretty extensive and flexible. I made improvements to the logic used to add position numbers on the steel structure objects as well as creating a two way sync of object properties between AutoCAD and a database. I also created other customizations to automate the workflow further both for working with the 3D model as well as the 2D generation. Another thing I did was to manipulate the ProSteel model so it worked better to use the information in Navisworks.

Either ps3d_com.arx (PSComWrapper Type Library) or ProStructuresLoader.arx are used and it works fine to develop with either AutoLISP or VBA. (VB.NET or C# should be possible to use)

Unfortunately there are not many resources about usage of the ProSteel COM interface other than the included documentation but the other day I run into this site that has some examples posted.

ProSteel was created by Kiwi Software GmbH and later acquired by Bentley and is an add-on running on the AutoCAD platform.

If you need any customization done for ProSteel (or AutoPLANT Structural) feel free to contact me.

Previous blog post talking about ProSteel 3D.


  1. Wasn't ProSteel an old Rebis product? Or am I mistaken?

  2. Yes, it was named Rebis-Structural at one time too.

  3. Rebis licensed Pro-Steel 3D from Kiwi Software. Peter Quinn was 3D Product Manager at Rebis and later product manager for Bentley Systems and is now at Autodesk that is soon to release AutoCAD Plant 3D.

  4. We are pleased to announce a new peer-to-peer support and discussion forum for English-language users of ProSteel 3D.

    We especially encourage anyone with knowledge of and/or interest in programming ProSteel at any level of complexity to participate in this forum.

    Please visit our Proboards site at:
