Monday, September 28, 2009

DWG Explorer Column Handler released

Enhance Your Explorer Experience with the New DWG Explorer Column Handler.

  • Show the DWG properties in Explorer columns or even in file dialog boxes within AutoCAD or other applications.
  • Sort files in Explorer based on any of the columns available like a revision.
  • Use DWGPROPS in AutoCAD and add information in the Summary or Custom tabs and you can show this information in columns in Windows Explorer.
  • The columns can show the version of the DWG file, up to 10 custom properties, title, subject, author, comments, created, hyperlink base, keywords, last saved by, last updated, revision number. Click to see a larger version with more columns
  • No need to have AutoCAD installed. That means that everyone at your company can see this information.
  • No need to open the drawing to know information like revision and other valuable information in the drawing.
  • Supported extensions are DWG, BAK, DWT, DWS, SW$ in any DWG file version.
  • Column names can be customized for example from "DWG Revision" to "Rev" or into other languages.

Contact us for a trial.

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