Thursday, March 25, 2010

AutoCAD 2011 quality tested

Here’s some interesting figures that should give you confidence to go ahead and use AutoCAD 2011 right away and not waiting for Update 1 (SP1). I personally found AutoCAD 2011 to be a very stable release but of course you should do your own test in your environment and with your addons.

  • 76,000 man hours spent on Q/A of the new release
  • 6,000 total code reviews of new release
  • 2,000 commands tested
  • 4,600 Beta customers involved in AutoCAD 2011
  • 1.4M lines of old code were removed

Via CADman-Do

1 comment:

  1. Is not so good, especially on selection.

    1. The performance is very poor when selecting a non-associative hatch having islands.
    To reproduce, set GRIPOBJLIMIT=0 (all grips are selected) and draw a big rectangle.
    Inside it draw a closed concave polyline of 10-15 edges (lines and arcs), like a steel wide beam profile.
    Array the polyline 10x10, all inside the rectangle.
    Hatch the rectangle with a non-associative hatch. Will result 1 hatch with 100 islands.
    Select the hatch. It takes 7-8 seconds that the hatch to be selected (!?!).

    In order to avoid this delay a new variable HATCHGRIP (saved in the drawing) can be added.
    HATCHGRIP=0 for 2008 behavior (1 grip for each hatch entity).
    HATCHGRIP=1 for 2011 behavior (grips for all hatch edges).
    In order to make the AutoCAD speedy, any user can work currently with HATCHGRIP=0 and, when it needs to edit a hatch by grips, can turn it on temporary by setting HATCHGRIP=1.

    2. Select the hatch (from previous point). Realtime zoom/pan => It takes 7-8 seconds to zoom 1 step or to pan (!?!).

    3a. Draw 2 polylines, overlapped and identical. Select them. The grips are shown.
    Do realtime pan or zoom (using wheelmouse) => gray "+" signs appears at the middle of the polyline segments (!?!).

    3b. This happens also with a closed polyline, hatched with a non-associative hatch, when both are selected.

    4. Turn OTRACK off. Turn OSNAP on.
    Set OSNAP "perpendicular" and/or "extension".
    Draw a line => at the second point, otrack small cross and temporary line appears, even if OTRACK is off (!?!).

    5. Grip colors > Grip contur color.
    This setting should be available for all grips. Now, it's not working for triangular grips (on arc, mtext, table ...).

    6. Start drawing a revision cloud.
    The aperture is displayed even if APBOX=0 (!?!).

    7. Draw something.
    Set GRIPOBJLIMIT=0 (all grips are visible).
    Select using mouse => grips are displayed.
    Select using QuickSelect => no grips are displayed (!?!).

    8. Create a new drawing.
    Make a new layer called 1, having red color.
    You will have 2 layers = 0 (white) and 1 (red).
    Draw a line. Select it and assign layer 1 to it.
    Layer 0 = current.
    Select the line. In the layer dropbox, layer 1 is displayed.
    Type copy, move or rotate command. Enter => in the layer dropbox, layer 0 is displayed even if in color dropdown box ByLayer is red (!?!).

    9. BEDIT > the window has the correct thumbnail preview.
    REFEDIT > the window has a very small thumbnail preview (!?!).

    10. Purge window => "Purge all" icon is the old 2004 DWG icon (!?!).

    11. Insert > DWG Reference > select DWG file > Open.
    In the "Attach External Reference" window, DWG preview background is always white.
    It should respect the drawing background color, like it is for any DWG preview inside the program.
