Monday, January 30, 2012

Virtualizing applications myths and realities

I’ve used and managed virtualized applications several years ago and at that point it worked fine with office applications and the like but not so good with CAD applications. Today I know that it works much better with CAD applications even though I don’t have any experience of it myself. I think the below is not taking GPU and CPU intensive applications into account that much but could be worth considering if your company have virtualizing in mind.

Virtualizing applications myths and realities according to two IDG Research Services studies on behalf of EMC Corporation and VMware Inc.

To learn more, visit

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, but is this referring to client-side Virtualization or Server-side? In other words, is this using Citrix XenApp or Microsoft TS-RemoteApp or MED-V, or is it referring to Microsoft App-V, or VMware ThinApp? There is a HUGE difference, yet both are often labelled as "application virtualization"
