AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture (ACA/ADT), Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, BIM, CAD, AutoLISP, VBA, VB, VB.NET, C#, databases, Access, SQL Server, FlexNet (FLEXlm), license usage reporting, software design, development, customization, integration...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Get the latest feed icon
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Convert C# to VB.NET code
Maybe you are like me mostly using either C# or VB.NET and not developing full time so the syntax is not there in your memory to easily convert back and forth between the languages. You might have found a nice snipped of csharp code and want it in VB.NET.
Here are some options I've used.
Here is a free online converter:
The free converter can also be downloaded and run offline.
Another online converter can be found here:
and her:
Another option is to use the free Open Source .NET IDE SharpDevelop that has functionality to also convert code. Look at Tools>Convert Buffer C# to VB.NET and Convert Buffer VB.NET to C#.
Autodesk asks 'How often do you read blogs?'
Autodesk is asking about your bloggin' behavior at One question is a bit too modest in its breadth: Q: Approximately how often do you read blogs that are directly related to your industry or profession?A: Every day -- 1-6 times a week -- 1-3 times a month -- Less than once a month -- Never They left out this option: Several times a day.I would say that they also left another option and that is if you read blogs with a reader like Bloglines or RSS Bandit you can be notified when there is something new to be read.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Meet the interactive Autodesk advisor Diana
Monday, December 26, 2005
Lock the users from messing with your dynamic blocks
Here is a tip from one of my classes at AU.
Since we started using AutoCAD 2006 I've added this row to our acad.lsp that loads for all users. (setvar "BLOCKEDITLOCK" 1)
By setting the system variable BLOCKEDITLOCK to 1 you disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. In a multiuser company it can be useful if you have prepared a lot of dynamic blocks and don't want the users to mess with them.
From the help documentation about BLOCKEDITLOCK: Disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. When BLOCKEDITLOCK is set to 1, double-clicking a dynamic block in a drawing opens the Reference Edit dialog box. If the block contains attributes, double-clicking the block reference opens the Enhanced Attribute Editor 0 - Specifies that the Block Editor can be opened 1 - Specifies that the Block Editor cannot be opened
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Architectural Desktop 2006 Expert Certification

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Autodesk University Main Stage Presentation download available
Autodesk – Discussion Groups – DWF – Autodesk University Main Stage presentation.Autodesk University Main Stage Presentation download available By RobiNZ on CAD Autodesk University Scott Sheppard has posted video of the Autodesk University Main stage presentation. ... It’s a big, or huge, video file to down-load but well worth seeing. If you want to view it as presented at AU you’ll need a 20 x 80 ft screen, but it still looks great on a desktop monitor
DWG and PDF are alike
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Kill a process in VB.NET
res = AcroExchAVDoc.Close(False) Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("acrobat") Dim myProcess As Process For Each myProcess In myProcesses If myProcess.MainWindowTitle = "" Then myProcess.Kill() Next myProcess
PS. I have not tried this yet but it could be worth trying to use Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(AcroExchAVDoc)
Microsoft and Autodesk Broaden Strategic Alliance with DWF
The MSN Search and retrieval support of DWF’s is scheduled to be available in early 2006 and Autodesk’s support of Microsoft XAML is planned for early 2007.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Handouts from AU 2005 classes
PDF handouts from my classes can now be downloaded from AU Online (They where updated with the latest yesterday so if you already downloaded them, do it again to get the latest) I had two Plant Design classes PD12-1 (Multidiscipline CAD Usage at an EPC Company) and PD13-1 (Plant Design Tips and Tricks) To get the files I used in the PD13-1 class log in to AU Connect. You will find the files on the group Plant Design. Look for Shared Group Files.
I also had the chance to assist three classes that where interesting: Hands-On Migration Class with Bud Schroeder People, People, Everywhere: Build your own graphical facility Phone Directory with DWF with Brian Mathews Introduction to dbConnect for Facilities Management with Scott McFarlane
I also attanded several classes and labs as well as some usability studies. But there were so many other classes I would have loved to go to so it's great with having so much posted on Au Online. So now I can continue my AU studies from home.
Update: The PD13-1 session was unfortunately not recorded in good quality and will not be available to view.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Take the Autodesk blog survey
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Calcinput changed in AutoCAD 2006 SP1
Set CALCINPUT to 1. At first when AutoCAD 2006 was released the End key was used to evaluate a function in an edit control. But because End also can be used normally to move to the end of the text in the edit control the End key changed in SP1 to Alt+Enter.
For those that want to try this draw a Circle, open Properties and select the circle. Enter something like =1000*1.4 in the edit box for the radius value. Then press Alt+Enter and the result will show up. No need to open the calculator in this case. This can also be used in dialog boxes like the one for the Array command
AU 2005 recap
I'm back from AU 2005 since a few days ago. This was the first AU I've been to and naturally the first I spoke at as well. Me and my wife stayed at the Swan hotel some days before the event and some days after to have a chance to see Disneyland and the surroundings of Orlando. Since it was nearly 5700 attendees the hotel was real empty and deserted after AU. I wished I could duplicate to be everywhere since so much where going on at the same time.
I was great to meet many of those I've not met in person as well as a few I met before. Shaan Hurley, Robert Green, Mark Douglas, Mike Perry, Melanie Stone, Beau Turner, Mark Kiker, Nate Bartley, Jerry Milana, Lynn Allen, Jon Beltran, Lee Ambrosious, Bill Glennie, Chris Yanchar, Darren Myles, Robin Capper, Bud Schroeder, Brian Mathews, Scott McFarlane, Misha Belilovskiy, Jonathan Knowles, Mark Fritts, Peter Quinn, Christer Johansson, Darren Young, Heinz Baumann, Richard Binning, Shawn Gilmour, Julian Gonzalez and many many more as well as many I didn't get a chance to meet among all attendees. Good to meet you all!
AutoCAD is getting more 3D power, new products that might show up like Vespa a non photorealistic illustration tool, 64-bit processing and multithreading is something that will be supported for many of the products. I had also the chance to see things that I cannot speak about right now other than more is to come.
The AUGI Wish List Top Ten for AutoCAD was released
- Multiple leaders
- Translucent/transparent layers
- Spell check improvement
- 3D dynamic blocks
- Dynamic linetypes
- Greater control with tabs
- Improved tools for manipulating layouts
- Paragraph spacing in Mtext
- Easier way to add sheets to a sheet set
- Improved support for dual monitors.
Let's see within some month what ends up in AutoCAD 2007.
Of these 10 ones I want most are Translucent/transparent layers as well as 3D dynamic blocks. On my top wish list is better graphic performance when working with large 3D models, better performance working with Sheet Set Manager and Reference Manager. Something like a VISRETAIN=2 would be needed to be able to handle nested xrefs in several levels. Etc...
I also took the ADT exam and I am now a Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 Certified Expert.
Maybe I see you at next AU (not in Las Vegas) or somewhere else.
/Jimmy Bergmark
Introducing CADMAN+Tussilago cartoon strip
Do you know how your wife or girlfriend looks at you? Now you can get a hint.
I am Jimmy, a CAD and computer nerd. Therése, my wife since 1993 and the cartoonist of CADMAN+Tussilago knows by experience. CADMAN+Tussilago is a cartoon strip on how it is to be married to a computer nerd like me from my wife's point of view. The strips always makes me smile and sometimes gives me a little kick in the butt.
Maybe you too recognizes yourself. Have fun!
Click here to see the first cartoon strip.
CHARACTERS CADMAN - A typical CAD and computer nerd. Tussilago - The wife of CADMAN. Here name Tussilago comes from the Swedish name for the little yellow spring flower coltsfoot.
TRIVIA CADMAN+Tussilago was first introduced to the public in November 27:th 2005 at Autodesk University 2005 in Florida as part of Jimmy Bergmark's business card and at the end of the handouts and presentations for the classes he held.
Reproduce CADMAN+Tussilago Permission to reproduce CADMAN+Tussilago on your Website, blog, corporate Intranet, publication or other means is granted on a case-by-case basis. Fees and restrictions vary depending upon usage. For rates and availability, contact Therése Bergmark at
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