JTB FlexReport 2021.1.0 is now ready.
We have fixed and improved a few things in this release.
- JTB FlexReport Core
- Fixed problem that could cause logging to stop if the c:\Windows\Temp folder was filled with tmp files.
- Fixed another problem where the FlexNet debug log import could fail to work.
- Removed saving current usage from FlexNet debug log because it can be incorrect if the imported log is older than a few hours. And if weeks or months old log it can result in very long incorrect usage.
- Various minor fixes.
- JTB FlexReport Service/Client
- Fixed problems when multiple servers or features could not be selected and reported on.
- Fixed another bug caused by ' character in user and host names.
- Fixed a problem where dates in exported Excel files could fail to be correct in some countries date formats.
- Various minor fixes.
- JTB Process Monitor Service/Client
- Performance improvements for the Client causing less CPU strain.
- Various minor fixes.
See the version history for all details.
ZWCAD and ZW3D are among the many products JTB FlexReport can monitor usage of.
Trial is available if you want to give it a try.
If your maintenance has expired you can try the new version for a few weeks, if you want to keep using it contact us to renew the maintenance. The upgrade is free of charge for customers with active maintenance.
What is JTB FlexReport? JTB FlexReport is a license usage report tool for applications licensed using network license systems like FlexNet (FlexNet), IBM LUM, DSLS, SPLM, Sentinel, LM-X, RLM, EPLAN (ELM), HASP, DPT, Tebis, CodeMeter among others. Track usage over time, hours used and much more.

If you have FlexNet licenses check out our JTB FlexReport LT freeware. App for AutoCAD available.
Autodesk user? Take a look at Autodesk Network Licenses RIP, New Named User Plans and Prepare for the switch to Autodesk Named User Licenses. You may still find use for JTB FlexReport together with JTB Process Monitor.