Companion Apps Now Available in AutoCAD 2012
New In-Product Access to Download, Buy and Sell Apps and Content for AutoCAD.
Did you disable Autodesk Exchange from starting automatically with AutoCAD click on the Exchange
icon in InfoCenter at top right in AutoCAD, press F1 for help or run the EXCHANGE command.
Note the Apps link at the top left and the Search Apps just below as well as “AutoCAD Apps Developers!” where you can sign up and publish products.

If you’re in a non-English country you may need to select English as language at top right in the Autodesk Exchange window.
At this point verticals like AutoCAD Architecture 2012 does not have access to Apps. But if you have both AutoCAD and ACA installed the app will show up on a plug-in tab in ACA even though a bug will make each app end up in its own tab.
To find products from JTB World just search for JTB. A few are available now and more will be. Give it a try and you can even add a rating and write a review.
“SmartPurger from JTB World helped me clean up and reduce the size of 100's of files from our architects. Many were DWG files converted from DGN and contained a lot of Regapp IDs and other artifacts. I am delighted with its read version number feature, which I use regularly to check that I am sending the correct version of DWG, when I am sending a large number of files to co-consultants who work in lower releases of AutoCAD.”
Plessey Mathews, Architect
“SmartPurger from JTB World is the fastest and most versatile batch and scripting utility I have ever used. It is also high in cool factor!”
Ken J. Fisher, Design Software Manager
Shive-Hattery, Inc.
Cedar Rapids, IA
"The AutoCAD Automation Tools from JTB World save me a lot of time when editing individual files, and there have been many times when I couldn’t have met deadlines without them."
Don McLeod, Electrical Engineer
PENTA Engineering, P.A.
Charlotte, NC
Here are some of JTB World’s apps as seen on the Plug-ins tab:

From the Press Release:
Companion Apps Now Available in AutoCAD 2012
SAN RAFAEL, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ:ADSK), a world leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, announced that direct access to download and purchase companion apps is available in AutoCAD 2012.
AutoCAD software users can immediately browse, download and purchase more than 100 apps using the new Apps tab within AutoCAD. The companion apps help design professionals find and immediately download solutions to some of their most pressing design challenges.
“Providing direct, in-product access to AutoCAD companion apps connects innovative software developers with AutoCAD customers around the world,” said Jim Quanci, director of the Autodesk Developer Network. “In turn, AutoCAD software users now have a trusted marketplace with a wealth of solutions to help solve today’s most complex challenges.”
Simply put, AutoCAD companion apps extend the power and flexibility of AutoCAD with the help of numerous plug-ins, from productivity tools to translators, together with other content, such as blocks and learning tools. AutoCAD users will have the ability to discover a range of apps in a single location. Coins Translate, for example, is a free app that enables designers to quickly and easily translate text in a drawing into a variety of languages, using the Google Translate web service.
Autodesk customer, Summit Consulting Services, values industry plug-ins to enhance design productivity: “SoftDraft’s QuickNotes plug-in app is one of the most productive products we have purchased so far,” said Jack Turner, owner. “It eliminates wasted effort on repetitive tasks, saving time and money.”
The new Apps tab is featured as part of AutoCAD software’s in-product support feature, Autodesk Exchange, and helps software developers quickly upload AutoCAD companion apps, enabling users to more quickly download, purchase and install apps directly into AutoCAD 2012. Developers, users and visitors can also rate and review apps and content. Many of the companion apps are the creations of Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) members, but all developers using AutoCAD 2012 are welcome to submit apps or content for AutoCAD 2012. All applications and content submitted are reviewed through a quality-control process, providing users a secure and trustworthy experience.
Companion apps are now available through the English version of AutoCAD 2012. Apps and content can be downloaded for free, as a trial or for a fee. Fee-based apps can be purchased in 40 countries using the popular PayPal payment service.
Questions and Answers
1. General Information
1.1 What is the Apps tab within AutoCAD 2012?
The Autodesk® Apps tab is a safe online marketplace where people can buy, sell, and rate apps from within AutoCAD® 2012 software. These companion products for AutoCAD provide the ability to customize designs to meet the needs of various industries. AutoCAD users can immediately browse, download, and purchase more than 100 companion apps on the new Apps tab within Autodesk Exchange – AutoCAD, helping design professionals get immediate solutions to solve specific and pressing design challenges.
1.2 How does the Apps tab for AutoCAD work?
The Apps tab can be found on the AutoCAD Exchange landing page that launches when AutoCAD 2012 is first opened. With AutoCAD open, click the X icon in the upper-right corner of the AutoCAD window, and AutoCAD Exchange will relaunch with the Apps tab present. Once users have accessed the Apps tab, they may purchase, download, and organize numerous apps for AutoCAD 2012.
1.3 Are there any advanced system requirements for the Apps tab?
The system requirements are the same as those for AutoCAD 2012, with the additional requirement that users need an Internet connection to access apps tab.
1.4 What makes the Autodesk Apps tab a safe and reliable place to purchase apps?
The Apps tab is safe because every piece of content is validated by an Autodesk team dedicated to making sure it works as described, and that it is relevant, useful, and secure. Autodesk also uses PayPal for purchases, insuring buyers and sellers have a smooth and easy purchase experience.
1.5 Will the Apps tab be available for other software such as Autodesk Inventor or Autodesk Revit?
The Apps tab is available only for AutoCAD 2012. Autodesk cannot outline future plans beyond what we’re making available currently. A complete catalog of all companion apps for AutoCAD, Autodesk® Inventor®, Autodesk® Revit®, and Autodesk® 3ds Max® software can be found at
1.6 What kinds of apps are available on the Apps tab?
These companion apps extend the power and flexibility of AutoCAD and include numerous plug-ins from productivity tools to translators, as well as content such as blocks and learning tools. Plug-ins can be scripts, LISP, .NET, or ObjectARX® based. Content includes blocks, linetypes, and hatch patterns, as well as learning tools, including books in PDF file format. The key requirement is that the apps provide value to the AutoCAD 2012 user.
1.7 Who can submit products to be included in the Apps tab? Do you have to be an Autodesk Developer Network partner?
Any developer can submit products for Autodesk to evaluate for potential sale on the Apps tab. Professional or amateur software developers, Autodesk sales partners with software development expertise, users with great content, authors of learning tools, and more. If it delivers value to the AutoCAD user, the product will be carefully considered for inclusion on the Apps tab.
1.8 What is the price of products in the Apps tab?
Apps can be downloaded for free, as a trial, or for a fee. There is no price minimum or maximum.
1.9 What are the requirements to publish apps in the Apps tab?
First and foremost, apps made available in the Apps tab must deliver AutoCAD users immediate value through easy installation and ease of use. Autodesk requires that all products available in the Apps tab follow a few basic standards for install and user interface, as well as license management.
1.10 What is the cost to submit and sell an app in the Apps tab?
Currently, there is no cost to submit an app for evaluation; however, this could change in the future as we learn about the types and volumes of products being submitted.
1.11 What percentage of revenue will go to Autodesk from the sale of products in the Apps tab?
Autodesk is not taking any commission for the sale of products in the Apps tab at this time.
2. Payment
2.1 How do I pay for apps?
Autodesk has partnered with PayPal to handle all transactions.
2.2 Can purchase orders be used to pay for apps?
No, all payments for companion apps must be made through PayPal.
2.3 What is the return/refund policy if I am dissatisfied with my purchase?
There is no special refund or return policy beyond what is offered through the publisher of the app purchased and PayPal. To get a refund, the buyer will first need to contact the publisher who can refund the purchase through PayPal. If the buyer doesn’t get a satisfactory response from the publisher, they can then submit a dispute to PayPal (within 45 days of purchase). There is no guarantee of a full refund. In addition, any customer experiencing problems with a purchase can contact the Autodesk Apps support team by emailing for help settling a dispute with any application publisher.
2.4 Are there any hidden fees upon purchase?
Autodesk charges no additional fees. For purchases, PayPal charges a fee to the publisher (seller) (currently 2 percent, to a maximum of US$1), as well as some currency conversion fees. There is no cost to buyer or seller for free and trial products.
3. Licensing
3.1 Can I migrate my purchases from one machine to another? If I have more than one computer (work and home) with an install of AutoCAD on each, do I have to pay twice?
Purchases are identified by name and login, not a specific computer or copy of AutoCAD, using Autodesk’s standard Single Sign-On that most Autodesk users already have. Access to specific apps and purchases can be done on any machine as long as their Autodesk Single Sign-On username and login are used.
4. Support
4.1 Who do I contact for support?
The first point of contact for support should be with the publisher of the companion app. If the publisher is unable to provide the help needed, customers can contact Autodesk Apps support at
4.2 How does the rating system work?
The rating system is similar to other systems that can be found on websites such as Amazon, Android Market, and so on. Users can rate 1–5 stars (1 = worst; 5 = best) and provide comments.