AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture (ACA/ADT), Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, BIM, CAD, AutoLISP, VBA, VB, VB.NET, C#, databases, Access, SQL Server, FlexNet (FLEXlm), license usage reporting, software design, development, customization, integration...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Get the latest feed icon
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Convert C# to VB.NET code
Maybe you are like me mostly using either C# or VB.NET and not developing full time so the syntax is not there in your memory to easily convert back and forth between the languages. You might have found a nice snipped of csharp code and want it in VB.NET.
Here are some options I've used.
Here is a free online converter:
The free converter can also be downloaded and run offline.
Another online converter can be found here:
and her:
Another option is to use the free Open Source .NET IDE SharpDevelop that has functionality to also convert code. Look at Tools>Convert Buffer C# to VB.NET and Convert Buffer VB.NET to C#.
Autodesk asks 'How often do you read blogs?'
Autodesk is asking about your bloggin' behavior at One question is a bit too modest in its breadth: Q: Approximately how often do you read blogs that are directly related to your industry or profession?A: Every day -- 1-6 times a week -- 1-3 times a month -- Less than once a month -- Never They left out this option: Several times a day.I would say that they also left another option and that is if you read blogs with a reader like Bloglines or RSS Bandit you can be notified when there is something new to be read.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Meet the interactive Autodesk advisor Diana
Monday, December 26, 2005
Lock the users from messing with your dynamic blocks
Here is a tip from one of my classes at AU.
Since we started using AutoCAD 2006 I've added this row to our acad.lsp that loads for all users. (setvar "BLOCKEDITLOCK" 1)
By setting the system variable BLOCKEDITLOCK to 1 you disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. In a multiuser company it can be useful if you have prepared a lot of dynamic blocks and don't want the users to mess with them.
From the help documentation about BLOCKEDITLOCK: Disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions. When BLOCKEDITLOCK is set to 1, double-clicking a dynamic block in a drawing opens the Reference Edit dialog box. If the block contains attributes, double-clicking the block reference opens the Enhanced Attribute Editor 0 - Specifies that the Block Editor can be opened 1 - Specifies that the Block Editor cannot be opened
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Architectural Desktop 2006 Expert Certification

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Autodesk University Main Stage Presentation download available
Autodesk – Discussion Groups – DWF – Autodesk University Main Stage presentation.Autodesk University Main Stage Presentation download available By RobiNZ on CAD Autodesk University Scott Sheppard has posted video of the Autodesk University Main stage presentation. ... It’s a big, or huge, video file to down-load but well worth seeing. If you want to view it as presented at AU you’ll need a 20 x 80 ft screen, but it still looks great on a desktop monitor
DWG and PDF are alike
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Visual Studio Add-Ins Every Developer Should Download Now
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Kill a process in VB.NET
res = AcroExchAVDoc.Close(False) Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("acrobat") Dim myProcess As Process For Each myProcess In myProcesses If myProcess.MainWindowTitle = "" Then myProcess.Kill() Next myProcess
PS. I have not tried this yet but it could be worth trying to use Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(AcroExchAVDoc)
Microsoft and Autodesk Broaden Strategic Alliance with DWF
The MSN Search and retrieval support of DWF’s is scheduled to be available in early 2006 and Autodesk’s support of Microsoft XAML is planned for early 2007.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Handouts from AU 2005 classes
PDF handouts from my classes can now be downloaded from AU Online (They where updated with the latest yesterday so if you already downloaded them, do it again to get the latest) I had two Plant Design classes PD12-1 (Multidiscipline CAD Usage at an EPC Company) and PD13-1 (Plant Design Tips and Tricks) To get the files I used in the PD13-1 class log in to AU Connect. You will find the files on the group Plant Design. Look for Shared Group Files.
I also had the chance to assist three classes that where interesting: Hands-On Migration Class with Bud Schroeder People, People, Everywhere: Build your own graphical facility Phone Directory with DWF with Brian Mathews Introduction to dbConnect for Facilities Management with Scott McFarlane
I also attanded several classes and labs as well as some usability studies. But there were so many other classes I would have loved to go to so it's great with having so much posted on Au Online. So now I can continue my AU studies from home.
Update: The PD13-1 session was unfortunately not recorded in good quality and will not be available to view.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Take the Autodesk blog survey
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Calcinput changed in AutoCAD 2006 SP1
Set CALCINPUT to 1. At first when AutoCAD 2006 was released the End key was used to evaluate a function in an edit control. But because End also can be used normally to move to the end of the text in the edit control the End key changed in SP1 to Alt+Enter.
For those that want to try this draw a Circle, open Properties and select the circle. Enter something like =1000*1.4 in the edit box for the radius value. Then press Alt+Enter and the result will show up. No need to open the calculator in this case. This can also be used in dialog boxes like the one for the Array command
AU 2005 recap
I'm back from AU 2005 since a few days ago. This was the first AU I've been to and naturally the first I spoke at as well. Me and my wife stayed at the Swan hotel some days before the event and some days after to have a chance to see Disneyland and the surroundings of Orlando. Since it was nearly 5700 attendees the hotel was real empty and deserted after AU. I wished I could duplicate to be everywhere since so much where going on at the same time.
I was great to meet many of those I've not met in person as well as a few I met before. Shaan Hurley, Robert Green, Mark Douglas, Mike Perry, Melanie Stone, Beau Turner, Mark Kiker, Nate Bartley, Jerry Milana, Lynn Allen, Jon Beltran, Lee Ambrosious, Bill Glennie, Chris Yanchar, Darren Myles, Robin Capper, Bud Schroeder, Brian Mathews, Scott McFarlane, Misha Belilovskiy, Jonathan Knowles, Mark Fritts, Peter Quinn, Christer Johansson, Darren Young, Heinz Baumann, Richard Binning, Shawn Gilmour, Julian Gonzalez and many many more as well as many I didn't get a chance to meet among all attendees. Good to meet you all!
AutoCAD is getting more 3D power, new products that might show up like Vespa a non photorealistic illustration tool, 64-bit processing and multithreading is something that will be supported for many of the products. I had also the chance to see things that I cannot speak about right now other than more is to come.
The AUGI Wish List Top Ten for AutoCAD was released
- Multiple leaders
- Translucent/transparent layers
- Spell check improvement
- 3D dynamic blocks
- Dynamic linetypes
- Greater control with tabs
- Improved tools for manipulating layouts
- Paragraph spacing in Mtext
- Easier way to add sheets to a sheet set
- Improved support for dual monitors.
Let's see within some month what ends up in AutoCAD 2007.
Of these 10 ones I want most are Translucent/transparent layers as well as 3D dynamic blocks. On my top wish list is better graphic performance when working with large 3D models, better performance working with Sheet Set Manager and Reference Manager. Something like a VISRETAIN=2 would be needed to be able to handle nested xrefs in several levels. Etc...
I also took the ADT exam and I am now a Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006 Certified Expert.
Maybe I see you at next AU (not in Las Vegas) or somewhere else.
/Jimmy Bergmark
Introducing CADMAN+Tussilago cartoon strip
Do you know how your wife or girlfriend looks at you? Now you can get a hint.
I am Jimmy, a CAD and computer nerd. Therése, my wife since 1993 and the cartoonist of CADMAN+Tussilago knows by experience. CADMAN+Tussilago is a cartoon strip on how it is to be married to a computer nerd like me from my wife's point of view. The strips always makes me smile and sometimes gives me a little kick in the butt.
Maybe you too recognizes yourself. Have fun!
Click here to see the first cartoon strip.
CHARACTERS CADMAN - A typical CAD and computer nerd. Tussilago - The wife of CADMAN. Here name Tussilago comes from the Swedish name for the little yellow spring flower coltsfoot.
TRIVIA CADMAN+Tussilago was first introduced to the public in November 27:th 2005 at Autodesk University 2005 in Florida as part of Jimmy Bergmark's business card and at the end of the handouts and presentations for the classes he held.
Reproduce CADMAN+Tussilago Permission to reproduce CADMAN+Tussilago on your Website, blog, corporate Intranet, publication or other means is granted on a case-by-case basis. Fees and restrictions vary depending upon usage. For rates and availability, contact Therése Bergmark at
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Autodesk DWF Viewer 6.5 Released
What’s New in DWF Viewer 6.5
- Section 3D Models
- Move and Rotate 3D Components
- View Combined 2D/3D DWFs (the ability to combine DWF files will be announced)
- User Interface Enhancements
- Microsoft® Office Drag and Drop Support
- Windows Explorer Integration: Preview, search, print, and email DWF files directly from Windows Explorer.
- Email a DWF: Email DWFs from DWF Viewer, with a link for recipients to easily download and install the free DWF Viewer.
- Customer Error Reporting: Easily generate a report that summarizes errors and submits the information directly to Autodesk.
To get the updated Autodesk DWF Viewer 6.5 go to
DWF Writer 3 is also released. Get it at
Silent installation of Autodesk DWF Viewer If you want to deploy the DWF Viewer you can use these command line switches:DwfViewerSetup.exe /qor without the progress dialog boxDwfViewerSetup.exe /q2
More about deployment here.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Set an environment variable using VB.NET
Imports System Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.Collections Module Module1 Public Declare Function SendMessageTimeout _ Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageTimeoutA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal msg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ ByVal lParam As String, _ ByVal fuFlags As Long, _ ByVal uTimeout As Long, _ ByVal lpdwResult As Long) As Long Public Const HWND_BROADCAST = &HFFFF& Public Const WM_WININICHANGE = &H1A Public Const SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = &H2 Sub SetUserEnvironmentVar(ByVal EnvName, ByVal EnvValue) Dim resApi As Long Dim regVersion As RegistryKey regVersion = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Environment", True) regVersion.SetValue(EnvName, EnvValue) regVersion.Close() SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, _ WM_WININICHANGE, _ 0, _ "Environment", _ SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, _ 5000, _ resApi) End Sub Sub SetSystemEnvironmentVar(ByVal EnvName, ByVal EnvValue) Dim resApi As Long Dim regVersion As RegistryKey Dim subkey As String subkey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" regVersion = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(subkey, True) regVersion.SetValue(EnvName, EnvValue) regVersion.Close() SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, _ WM_WININICHANGE, _ 0, _ "Environment", _ SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, _ 5000, _ resApi) End Sub Sub Main() SetUserEnvironmentVar("USERVAR1", "Test Value") SetSystemEnvironmentVar("SYSTEMVAR1", "Test Value") End Sub End Module
Code snippet to convert RGB to ACI
Function RGBtoACI(r As Long, g As Long, b As Long) Dim color As New AcadAcCmColor Call color.SetRGB(r, g, b) RGBtoACI = color.ColorIndex End Function Sub test() Debug.Print RGBtoACI(63, 127, 111) End Sub
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Exclusive: Full text of Gates email, Ozzie memo
AddNode acquires CAD-Q
LEGO Digital Designer
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
VS 2005 Express och SQL 2005 Express for free
Organize files in Windows to mimic the Today file listing

"When you're ready to open a drawing, you choose File > Open to get the Select Drawing dialog box. Place the cursor over some white space in the area where the files are listed, right-click, and choose Arrange Icons By > Show in Groups. If the files weren't already sorted by name, click the Name header. (If you don't have any headers, click Views at the upper-right corner of the dialog box and choose Details.) To see the files by date, click the Date Modified heading."Via Kent Elrod and Ellen Finkelstein's AutoCAD Tips RSS feed.
Silent installation of Autodesk DWG TrueConvert
Do you want to distribute the new DWG TrueConvert for a lot of users?
Here is how it can be done.
Download it from and extract the zipped file DWGTrueConvert.exe.
Locate the setup.ini file and edit it. Change the this row:
INSTALL_CMD_ARGS=/L*v "%temp%\DWGTrueConvert Install.log"
INSTALL_CMD_ARGS=/qb! /L*v "%temp%\DWGTrueConvert Install.log"
/qb! is installing DWG Convert showing a progress dialog box that cannot be cancelled by the user.
/qb let's the user cancel the installation.
/q doesn't show any progress. Completely silent.
I prefer to use /qb! because the user can see that something is happening. If /q is used the installation can use up the processor but the user don't have a clue on what's going on.
To start the installation run Setup.exe and it will use setup.ini with the settings you have in it.
Convert DWG's between different versions without AutoCAD
For those that need to batch convert DWG files between different file format versions. Convert to any DWG version to R14, 2000 or 2004 DWG format. No need to have AutoCAD installed.
It's free and available here:
Via Shaan's blog post at Between the Lines
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Hatch Mott MacDonald, Philips Research among others selects JTB FlexReport
More information about JTB FlexReport.
Autodesk University 2005 teaser
I'm working right now on preparing for my class PD13-1: Plant Design Tips and Tricks and even though it's related to Plant Design, most things I will go through can be applicable to any discipline. Things I will cover are a lot of the new functionality that came in AutoCAD 2006 and how to apply this in your daily work. I combine this with lots of older useful functions that you might never used. All in all this will increase your productivity using AutoCAD and it's a lot of fun doing it too. How about this? Convert your old blocks to smart dynamic blocks. Put them on a tool palette. Add them to a drawing a make a BOM that is updatable. Learn some tricks about tables and fields. Connect to external datasources and reuse that data instead of typing it in a second time and when the master data is changed the text on the drawings can easily be updated. Work smart in 2D/3D and make use of CUI. Here is my profile at AU Connect.
Autodesk beta only for honest people
"Autodesk reserves the right to individually sign (or electronically watermark) each download of this pre-release Autodesk software, and the files created from said software, allowing Autodesk to track its pre-release software, and the files created with it, to its original downloader."
In case you have good intentions and want to be able to make a difference to future versions of Autodesk products go ahead and apply to participate. I recommend it.
Friday, November 4, 2005
One year of blogging
Here are some of the most popular posts among 161 post during the year that has been:
- ADT Update Space Tips
- ADT: Restrict access to PSD's
- Sheet Set Manager API code sample for AutoCAD 2005
- AutoCAD Sheet Set Manager properties shows "----" when you don't want to
- Performance tips when using SSM
- AutoCAD 2006 Hatch enhancements
- Lisp sample on how to change plot devices
- Delete AutoCAD layer filters
- AutoCAD 2006 and formulas in fields, tables and the calculator
- AutoCAD 2006 and access to the hatch area using API
- Upgrade Autodesk Network License Manager within minutes
- Tips when changing license server
- Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer with Tilt Wheel not recommended for AutoCAD users
- AutoCAD 2006 and the inluded ADT OE
- Find more in AutoCAD 2006
- Change the way Export to AutoCAD works in ADT
- Print DWF files from Windows ExplorerSilent installation of Autodesk DWG TrueView
Let's see what the second year will end up with...
Annoyed by having MS Office Research Explorer Bar popping up
Since starting using Microsoft Office 2003 I don't know how many times I've unintentionally started the Research Explorer Bar by using Alt+Click. I tried to find a way to disable Alt+Click or change it but failed to find anything even after spending some time searching on the internet for a solution. So I found that I had two options.
1) In research options deselect all services. This at least stops it from start searching the internet.
2) I then started Add or Remove Programs and clicked on Change>Add or Remove Features. Selected advanced customization and found that below Office Tools it was possible to remove the feature Research Explorer Bar that "Allows you to use the Research tool and its collection of information services from Microsoft Internet Explorer."
I just hope that the next version handles this better.
If you have found a better solution please leave a comment.
Thursday, November 3, 2005
VistaDB 2.1 database for .NET has been released
VistaDB 2.1 database for .NET has been released This 2.1 update includes over 60 improvements, including new support for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2005. VistaDB is a small-footprint, embedded SQL database alternative to Jet/Access, MSDE and SQL Server Express 2005 that enables developers to build .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 applications. Features SQL-92 support, small 500KB embedded footprint, free 2-User VistaDB Server for remote TCP/IP data access, royalty free distribution for both embedded and server, Copy 'n Go! deployment, managed ADO.NET Provider, data management and data migration tools. Free trial is available for download. - Learn more about VistaDB - Repost this to your blog and receive a FREE copy of VistaDB 2.1! |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Silent installation of Autodesk DWG TrueView
To install Autodesk DWG TrueView with a click on a button create a VBScript. Then you can just send a link to the file to the users or deploy it with other means. Download the free viewer and extract the zip file to a server location. Open Notepad and enter the following code and save the file with the vbs file extension.
on error resume next
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
runstring="msiexec /I ""\\server\SetupDWGTrueView2\DWGV.msi"" /qb! " & _
"INSTALLDIR=""C:\Program Files\Autodesk\DWG TrueView"" " & _
WshShell.Run runstring,1,true
msgbox "Ready"
You have to correct the path to the msi file.
For complete options to use with msiexec command, see
Using VBScript it's also possible to prepare a profile in DWG TrueView. Make the changes in Tools>Options. Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\DWG TrueView in the registry. Export it to a reg file and install that prepared profile for the end user. This includes any custom files like ctb, pc3, fonts etc.
You can also make sure that this happens if another user logs in on that PC. Otherwise that user will have the default profile.
Previous post on the release of DWG TrueView.
If the settings in Options should be distributed it should be taken in consideration that some paths are saved pointing to user locations like C:\Documents and Settings\jimmy.bergmark\Application Data. Therefore you have to just take some of the settings. (Update. See the usage of environment variables in the end of the post)
Below <<Unnamed Profile>> there can be several paths that have to be handled. I recommend that these are removed from the reg file or that you just keep those that you actually need to change. E.g.:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\DWG TrueView\R2\DWGV-4001:409\Profiles\<<Unnamed Profile>>\General]
"PrinterDescDir"="C:\\PHEM\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD\\16.2\\plotters\\PMP Files"
"PrinterStyleSheetDir"="C:\\PHEM\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD\\16.2\\Plot Styles"
For adding support paths I instead recommend that you copy what you need to the following paths. Typically you might want to add fonts, shapes, linetype files and so on.
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\DWG TrueView\Support
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\DWG TrueView\Fonts
>>>Update 2005-11-03 based on the comments of R.K. McSwain.
At his blog post he shows the usage of windows environment variables for the support file search path.
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% returns the location of the All Users Profile.
%APPDATA% returns the location where applications store data by default.
%PROGRAMFILES% returns a path like "C:\Program Files".
There is also another way to run the installation and to get all supporting installations installed if needed using setup.exe and run it in a silent mode. Change the setup.ini file and the following rows (changed text is bold):
INSTALL_CMD_ARGS=/qb! /L*v %temp%\DWGVInstall.log INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\DWG TrueView" ACAD_SILENT_LICENSE=YES
>>>Update 2005-11-03 Added the arguments INSTALLDIR and ACAD_SILENT_LICENSE
Thursday, October 27, 2005
AU Connect
DWF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This paper addresses several frequently asked questions concerning Autodesk’s Design Web Format. It was compiled from various sources including internal Autodesk servers, emails, and previously published content. Autodesk discussion group participants will recognize most of the questions as well as their answers. Much of this same information is available in various places on the Autodesk web site.The latest version of this document is always available at:
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Autodesk - Alias and some ADT - Revit
Dave brought up a recent acquisition in Autodesk to use as a comparison. He pointed out that when Autodesk acquired Revit for the architecture space users felt it was in direct competition with Architectural Desktop a product they already owned. "Both teams remained intact, both products remain separate, and grow separately still today". This is a perfect example of a sucessful implementation of just this concept in the 3d space.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Take a walk in Stockholm
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Autodesk's DWG TrueView™ released
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Pure Text a great free tool
Have you ever copied some text from a web page, a word document, help, etc., and wanted to paste it as simple text into another application without getting all the formatting from the original source? PureText makes this simple. Just copy/cut whatever you want to the clipboard, click on the PureText tray icon, and then paste to any application. Better yet, you can configure a Hot-Key to convert and paste the text for you. The pasted text will be pure and free from all formatting
Autodesk University 2005 reminder
PD12-1: Multidiscipline CAD Usage at an EPC Company. Session Type: 1.5 hr. Class Date: November 28 Start Time: 10:00 AM End Time: 11:30 AM Expertise: All Levels Description: This case study will discuss CAD usage at Pharmadule Emtunga. They are aiming for project execution using a mix of CAD applications that best suit their needs. AutoCAD, Autodesk Architectural Desktop, PDMS, third-party applications as well as in-house-developed tools are used. An engineering database application is a hub for the information flow. EDM and ERP are also deployed. A data-centric P&ID application is on its way. Topics Covered - Computer-integrated engineering and project execution - AutoCAD integration with PDMS - 2D, 3D, and BIM - P&ID and engineering databases - Customization of AutoCAD Who Should Attend AEC engineers, drafters, CAD managers
PD13-1: Plant Design Tips and Tricks Type: 1.5 hr. ClassDate: November 28 Start Time: 01:00 PM End Time: 02:30 PM Expertise: All Levels Description: This session is a generic tips and tricks class that focuses on how to use AutoCAD features for plant design. Topics covered will be how new features in AutoCAD 2006, such as Dynamic Blocks, Block attribute extraction, and Tables can be used for creating schematics and isometrics, making calculations, and Bill of Materials. The class leader is the CAD manager at an EPC company with a focus on Plant Design. Learn from his experience, increase your productivity, and learn to have a lot of fun using AutoCAD as well. Topics Covered - How to use your CAD tools in your daily work - Dynamic Blocks - Block attribute extraction - Tables - Fields - 2D/3D - Practical uses of dbConnect and MS Access - Hidden or forgotten gems in AutoCAD Who Should Attend Plant design engineers and designers of all engineering disciplines who want to learn how to better use AutoCAD 2006. There are a lot of other great classes to attend as well. I will assist on some of the labs and attend some others. See you there!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Clean up printer drivers
- Open the Printers (Printers and Faxes on Windows XP) folder
- delete all of the printers
- click File, Server Properties
- select the Drivers tab
- for each entry: a. select the entry b. click Remove
Friday, October 14, 2005
DWGgateway to create PDFs within AutoCAD
I've just tried the latest version of the free DWGgateway to see how it can create PDF files from within AutoCAD.
If you want to create PDF files for free there are better alternatives in my opinion that also works from any application. I can then recommend
From what I can see DWGgateway cannot be configured much. It forces you for example to plot both the model and the layout to PDF even though I just want the layout. It uses the saved page setup and does not use the AutoCAD plot interface.
Here is what SolidWorks says.
Create industry standard PDF documents from within AutoCAD at no cost.
DWGgateway enables AutoCAD software user to open and edit any DWG file and create PDF documents that can be shared with virtually anyone, at no cost. This new capability, available today at, makes it easy for design engineers to share designs with anyone, regardless of whether the recipient has AutoCAD software. The recipient needs only free Adobe Reader software, nearly as common on desktops as a Web browser.
This capability eliminates the need to upgrade the AutoCAD software to new versions simply to work on files created by users of newer AutoCAD products. In this way, the DWGgateway software tool fosters open collaboration and saves users the time and money of unnecessarily implementing new products. As a result, AutoCAD software users can work efficiently with colleagues, customers, partners, and suppliers instead of receiving "incompatible version" messages. More than 150,000 AutoCAD software users have downloaded the software component from SolidWorks Corporation.
Try it for yourself at:
SyncToy to synchronize your files
A while ago I started to use SyncToy and I'm very happy with it. It's free from Microsoft and available at here.
White paper for SyncToy.
Increasingly, computer users are using different folders, drives, and even different computers (such as a laptop and a desktop) to store and retrieve files. There are new sources of files coming from every direction: digital cameras, e-mail, cell phones, portable media players, camcorders, PDAs, and laptops. Yet managing hundreds or thousands of files is still largely a manual operation. In some cases it is necessary to move files from one place to another; in other cases there is a need to keep two storage locations exactly in sync. Some users manage files manually, dragging and dropping from one place to another and keeping a mental card catalog in their heads. Others use one or more applications of one sort or another to provide this functionality for them.
Now there is an easier way. SyncToy is a free PowerToy for Microsoft Windows XP that provides an easy to use, highly customizable program to help copy, move, and synchronize different directories. Most common operations can be performed with just a few clicks of the mouse, and additional customization is available without adding complexity. SyncToy can manage multiple sets of directories at the same time; it can combine files from two folders in one case, and mimic renames and deletes in another. Unlike other applications, SyncToy keeps track of renames to files and will make sure those changes get carried over to the synchronized folder.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Remove Sheet Set association on a sheet drawing
You might have used Sheet Set Manager (SSM) in AutoCAD 2005 (in AutoCAD 2006 and newer the association is normally automatically removed) and later on want to remove the association of sheets to the specific Sheet Set.
This can manually be done by deleting (or temporary move) the dst file for the sheet set, open the drawing(s) and when prompted for Lost Set Association select the Remove button.
If you have multiple sheets it's possible to script this.
You can use SmartPurger or some other tool to script multiple drawings and run this code to remove the association to the sheet set:
(dictremove (namedobjdict) "AcSheetSetData")
If you are using SmartPurger just save the row above into a text file using Notepad and name it for example disassociatessm.lsp and add it to the Settings>General>Script/lisp file. Then run SmartPurger and select the files you want.
For dictremove to work the sheet must first be deleted from the sheet set and the drawing must be saved after running the code.
VBscript to deploy AutoCAD 2006 SP1 or the like
on error resume next Dim WshShell Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Acad2006="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.2\ACAD-4001:409\" PN="" PN = WshShell.RegRead(Acad2006 & "ProductName") If fso.FolderExists("C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2006") and PN="AutoCAD 2006" Then Release="" Release = WshShell.RegRead(Acad2006 & "Release") If Release="" Then WshShell.Run """\\it.local\Acad2006\AutoCAD2006SP1.exe"" /q",1,true End if End if
Sunday, September 18, 2005
BazzaCAD CLog
Friday, September 16, 2005
Visual Basic 9.0 and more
Thursday, September 15, 2005
License Time-out Feature in AutoCAD
- Any keystroke.
- Any mouse click.
- Any command, Lisp expression, menu macro or script in progress.
- Any Modal dialog box opened (a dialog box which needs to close before continuing to other tasks).
- Note: Using the Help system does not keep the session active.
If you are a user of FLEXlm licenses you might also be interested in looking at JTB FlexReport to further help you optimize your network licenses.
Details from KB TS67304
License Time-out Feature
You would like to know how to use the network license time-out feature.
The Network License Manager can be configured to reclaim a license when a client workstation is idle for longer than a defined time-out period*, or the connection with the workstation is lost.
*This option is not applicable to AutoCAD 2002 based products.
Idle Period
Any of the following activity in the active application prevents the client workstation from being idle:
- Any keystroke.
- Any mouse click.
- Any command, Lisp expression, menu macro or script in progress.
- Any Modal dialog box opened (a dialog box which needs to close before continuing to other tasks).
Note: Using the Help system does not keep the session active.
Configuring License Time-out
License time-out is configured by implementing an options file with the Network License Manager. For a detailed explanation of options files, please refer to the FLEXlm End User Guide, located by default on the network license server in the following directory:
\Program Files\Autodesk Network License Manager\Docs\FlexUser
A brief explanation of options files is provided below:
- Options files are created with an ASCII text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad.
- Keyword statements are used in an options file to configure various operating parameters of the Network License Manager.
- The options file must be named adskflex.opt.
- The options file must be located in the same folder as the Autodesk product license file.
- All text in an options file is case sensitive.
- The options file is read each time the license manager is started or the license file is reread.
License time-out is configured in an options file by using the TIMEOUT keyword.
The syntax is: TIMEOUT [feature] [n], where:
- [feature] specifies the application you want to control. The feature code can be found in the license file, right after the word INCREMENT.
- [n] is the number of seconds before the license server reclaims an inactive license. The minimum value is 900.
Example: TIMEOUT 48800ACD_2006_0F 3600
This line in an options file would configure the Network License Manager to reclaim an AutoCAD 2006 license (feature code 48800ACD_2006_0F), if the client machine was idle for 3600 seconds (one hour).
License Time-out Behavior
If your license is lost because of the idle time-out, the product attempts to claim a new license once you access the product again. If a license is available, the client pulls a new license and continues the session. If no license is available, you will be prompted to save your work before the product shuts down.
Note: The debug log file can be examined to determine if a license has been reclaimed. When a license has been reclaimed, the debug log file will contain a line similar to:
11:43 (adskflex) IN feature user_name@host_name (INACTIVE)
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Print DWF files from Windows Explorer
I have made a simple freeware application that uses Autodesk DWF Viewer to do this and that can be used as a DDE Application. Select the DWF's you want to print, right click and select Print DWF. That's it. I hope it is useful for you.
You can download the setup file here.
The stability and functionality is as it is. It works good enough for me even though I cannot say that it will work for you. I have not added subclassing to the application. So if you select multiple DWF's, one instance of the program will be started for each DWF.
For the latest version see
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Find more in AutoCAD 2006
FIND in AutoCAD 2006 now permits the wildcards * and ?.
To find these characters add a reverse quote before. `*AB matches *AB.
All characters that need a reverse quote before are:
# (Pound) that Matches any numeric digit
@ (At) that Matches any alphabetic character
. (Period) that Matches any nonalphanumeric character
* (Asterisk) that Matches any string and can be used anywhere in the search string
? (Question mark) that Matches any single character; for example, ?BC matches ABC, 3BC, and so on
~ (Tilde) that Matches anything but the pattern; for example; ~*AB*matches all strings that don't contain AB
[ ] that Matches any one of the characters enclosed; for example, [AB]C matches AC and BC
[~] that Matches any character not enclosed; for example, [~AB]C matches XC but not AC
[-] that Specifies a range for a single character; for example, [A-G]C matches AC, BC, and so on to GC, but not HC
` (Reverse quote) that Reads the next character literally; for example, `~AB matches ~AB
Thursday, August 25, 2005
AutoCAD 2006 SP1
Friday, August 19, 2005
Installations and Virus Scan Applications
It loops several times and every minute it stops the service for the VirusScan. This continues long enough for the installation to take place.on error resume next Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") for i=1 to 20 WshShell.Run "net stop ""Network Associates McShield""",0,True WScript.sleep 60000 next
VBScript formula that uses the ADT API
After reading this blog post by Richard Binning, Beside the Cursor about ADT: VBScripting Resources List I recall a little VBScript for ADT that I've used in a Formula Property Definition in a Property Set Definition. I wanted to schedule the width of the wall that the door is anchored to. These few rows solves this by using the Handle of the door and using the ADT API to get the Width.
on error resume next
Set app=GetObject(,"AutoCAD.Application")
Set aDoor = app.activedocument.handletoobject("[Handle]")
Set anAnchor = aDoor.GetAnchor
Set aWall = anAnchor.Reference
RESULT= aWall.Width
Sunday, August 14, 2005
AutoCAD Wish List Ballot
AutoCAD Wish List Ballot Welcome to the August 2005 Wish List Ballot. We have included 50 or so of the best wishes since the April release of AutoCAD 2006. Now is your chance to rank your top five. The title of each wish is actually a link to the thread in the Wish List Forum. ... The results will be tabulated at the end of the month and the Top 10 will be presented to Autodesk in September. Don't miss your chance to help pick some of the new features for AutoCAD 2007!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
VBScript tips to refresh the desktop
If you are using VBS and is deleting some shortcuts after an installation and then adding your own shortcuts you have maybe problem with having the desktop refreshed just like it automatically is when manually deleting something on the desktop. If the desktop is not refreshed the new icon will be placed after the already deleted icon, not on the same place.
Here is a tips how to do it using VBScript:
' Refresh the desktop to remove the deleted shortcuts correctly
set oShell= createobject("shell.application")
set oDesktop = oShell.Namespace(0)
oDesktop.self.invokeVerb "R&efresh"
Friday, August 12, 2005
If you have problems with AutoCAD 2006 read this
AutoCAD 2006 Service Pack 1 Final Release Candidate is just around the corner. If you want to make an impact on it check this post from Shaan Hurley at Autodesk. There is still time to either have critical fixes solved by SP1 or to stop new problems introduced by SP1.
Some of my favorite fixes in SP1 are the following:
-External references (xrefs) that have been unloaded are no longer reloaded when you click a balloon notification in the host drawing.
-You can now run a script to open another drawing after the first drawing has been closed.
-Dot linetypes with line weight are now plotted correctly.
-Plot styles for systems with a large number of plot styles are now assigned properly.
-The time needed to open the Plot dialog box has improved for customers who have a large number of plot styles.
-The name of the layout is now correctly appended to the file name for drawings that are plotted or published to PDF.
-Inability to close the Attribute Extraction dialog box (EATTEXT) under some circumstances has been corrected.
Still there are other bugs and problems not solved as you can see on my AutoCAD 2006 page.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Autodesk University 2005 info
I will hold one additional class at AU 2005. So now there are two classes. If this sounds interesting sign in for one or both of them. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. PD12-1: Multidiscipline CAD Usage at an EPC Company. Session Type: 1.5 hr. Class Date: November 28 Start Time: 10:00 AM End Time: 11:30 AM Expertise: All Levels Description: This case study will discuss CAD usage at Pharmadule Emtunga. They are aiming for project execution using a mix of CAD applications that best suit their needs. AutoCAD, Autodesk Architectural Desktop, PDMS, third-party applications as well as in-house-developed tools are used. An engineering database application is a hub for the information flow. EDM and ERP are also deployed. A data-centric P&ID application is on its way. Topics Covered - Computer-integrated engineering and project execution - AutoCAD integration with PDMS - 2D, 3D, and BIM - P&ID and engineering databases - Customization of AutoCAD
Who Should Attend AEC engineers, drafters, CAD managers PD13-1: Plant Design Tips and TricksSession Type: 1.5 hr. ClassDate: November 28 Start Time: 01:00 PM End Time: 02:30 PM Expertise: All Levels Description: This session is a generic tips and tricks class that focuses on how to use AutoCAD features for plant design. Topics covered will be how new features in AutoCAD 2006, such as Dynamic Blocks, Block attribute extraction, and Tables can be used for creating schematics and isometrics, making calculations, and Bill of Materials. The class leader is the CAD manager at an EPC company with a focus on Plant Design. Learn from his experience, increase your productivity, and learn to have a lot of fun using AutoCAD as well. Topics Covered - How to use your CAD tools in your daily work - Dynamic Blocks - Block attribute extraction - Tables - Fields - 2D/3D - Practical uses of dbConnect and MS Access - Hidden or forgotten gems in AutoCAD Who Should Attend Plant design engineers and designers of all engineering disciplines who want to learn how to better use AutoCAD 2006.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
buildingSMART (get over it)
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Monday, August 8, 2005
Realize Your Ideas Tour archived Webcasts
Sunday, August 7, 2005
Randall S. Newton is having fun
Saturday, August 6, 2005
Recommendation for CAD Managers
Friday, August 5, 2005
Compress large Office files with embedded images
- Reduce resolution (to 96 dots per inch (dpi) for Web and 200 dpi for print), and unnecessary information is discarded.
- Discard extra information. For example, when a picture has been cropped or resized, the "hidden" parts of the picture are stored in the file.
- Compress the picture, if possible.
After that the Excel file went down below 1000KB.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Add 'Copy to Folder...' to Windows Explorer Context Menu
Here is a little know Windows tips. I know it works for Windows XP.
You can both add "Copy to Folder..." and "Move to Folder..." to the right click menu when having files or folders selected using this little registry hack.
To activate use this reg file.
To deactivate use this reg file.
Update: Corrected links.
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
ctrl+alt is equal to alt gr
Here is a tips if you are using Microsoft Remote Desktop or some other applications that might give this problem.
On my Swedish keyboard I use the alt gr button to enter characters like \, @, £, $, and ~
Sometimes this doesn't work when using Remote Desktop but a workaround is to use ctrl+alt instead of alt gr.
It took some time before I found out this solution so I just wanted to share it in case you too have had this problem.
Dynamic Block Wish List
Kids Programming Language
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Autodesk Architectural Desktop Customer Council
Monday, August 1, 2005
SmartPurger 2.1 released (script files can be run now!)
Change the way Export to AutoCAD works in ADT
Here is a tips on how to change the way Export to AutoCAD works in Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2006.
The commands are ExportToAutoCAD, -ExportToAutoCAD, ExportToAutoCAD2000 (Export to AutoCAD 2000 Format...), ExportToAutoCAD2000Dxf (Export to AutoCAD 2000 DXF Format...) , ExportToAutoCAD2004 (Export to AutoCAD 2004 Format...) , ExportToAutoCAD2004Dxf (Export to AutoCAD 2004 DXF Format...) , ExportToAutoCADDxf, ExportToAutoCAD12Dxf. Some of them are not mentioned in the help documentation and has to be entered on the command line.
Open the Options dialog box using the command Options or select it from the Format menu.
Click on the AEC Editor tab.
There you have some settings that Export to AutoCAD uses.
If you have problem with drawings created using Export to AutoCAD so that the color changes on objects it could be that you have different settings on layers in different xrefs and when using the Insert Method only one of the xrefs settings are used. If the Insert Method is used frozen layers could be thawed and layers can change color or linetype. So even though more layers are created by having the Use Insert Method when Binding xrefs cleared I recommend to have it cleared anyway to get the best result.
Bind xrefs gives you the option to bind the xrefs or not. (This is not in the help though)
Block Properties of Exploded Object applies to Export to AutoCAD commands as well even though it's not stated in the documentation.
From the help documentation:
Under Export to AutoCAD, select Use Insert Method when binding Xrefs if you want all objects from an xref drawing referenced in the file you export to be incorporated into the host drawing.
If you select this option, the names of the xref drawings are discarded when the exported drawing is created. In addition, their layers and styles are incorporated into the host drawing. For example, all exploded walls, regardless of their source (host or xref) are located on the same layer.
Clear Use Insert Method when binding Xrefs if you want to retain the xref identities, such as layer names, when you export a file to AutoCAD or to a DXF file. For example, the blocks that define walls in the host drawing are located on A-Wall in the exploded drawing. Walls in an attached xref drawing are located on a layer whose name is created from the drawing name and the layer name, such as Drawing1$0$A-Wall.
Enter a prefix or a suffix to be added to the drawing file name when the drawing is exported to an AutoCAD drawing or to a DXF file.
Under Block Properties of Exploded Object, select Maintain Resolved Layer, Color, Linetype to maintain the layer, color, and linetype of AEC objects when you explode them.
When you explode an AEC object, you create several primitive objects grouped in a block definition. If this option is selected, any objects whose component layer, color, and linetype properties are set to ByBlock take the layer, color, and linetype of the parent object. If this option is cleared, when you explode an object, properties that are ByBlock remain ByBlock. Clear this option if you want to explode the block definition even further.
For related information see:
AutoCAD 2006 and the included ADT OE
Friday, July 29, 2005
Register for Autodesk University 2005 on Monday
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Vista, Virtual Earch, etc links
Here are some misc links you might want to take a look at:
PC Magazine about Vista -,1874,1786052,00.asp
Microsoft Windows Vista Developer Center -
Visual Studio 2005 code snippets FAQ -
Visual Basic 2005 Starter Kits -
MSN Screen Saver -
"Escape from YesterWorld" with some fun videos -
For NG nerds -
MSN Virtual Earth -
MSN Virtual Earth on Channel 9 -
Acrylic Beta -
DPack is a FREE collection of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 tools. -
Monday, July 25, 2005
Located problem with the Drawing Recovery Manager
They and others can be found at
I had a case today with a PC that I run a lot of automated scripts on every night.
I tried to manually start AutoCAD 2006 and noticed that it took an extremely long time to start. I actually thought AutoCAD had locked up. Of course I could reinstall or repair AutoCAD but I wanted to find the reason for this so I fired up Filemon, filtered on *acad* but I didn't notice anything strange. I then run Regmon and found that it was a lot of traffic to some keys in the registry.
I took a look at the keys in question and found the cause. It was related to one of the new features in AutoCAD 2006, the Drawing Recovery Manager.
The locations where:
If where thousands of entries in there pointing to files. Not sure exactly how so many could get in there but since I don't is in need to use drawing recovery manager on that PC I deleted these registry keys and when starting AutoCAD again it was as quick as it should.
It seems like AutoCAD has a hard time to start when there are so many files listed. Not really a bug but something that the developers at Autodesk might take a look at. Especially the reason why AutoCAD thinks that it might need to recover drawings when AutoCAD haven't crashed. I any several users have seen this behavior before. And that looks like a defect to me.
To prevent this from happen again I first though about deleting these registry keys automatically but remembered that there was a new system variable to control this. RECOVERYMODE
Controls whether drawing recovery information is recorded after a system failure.
0 - Recovery information is not recorded, the Drawing Recovery window does not display automatically after a system failure, and any recovery information in the system registry is removed
1 - Recovery information is recorded, but the Drawing Recovery window does not display automatically after a system failure
2 - Recovery information is recorded, and the Drawing Recovery window displays automatically in the next session after a system failure
So I ended up setting it it 0.
Problem solved!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
SWECO Grøner AS among others selects JTB FlexReport
Can DWF files created by DWF Toolkit 7.0 be read by Autodesk DWF Viewer 6.0 and Autodesk DWF Composer 2.0?
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I will speak at the Autodesk University 2005
I will speak at the Autodesk Univerity 2005 in Orlando, Florida. The event will be held November 28 - December 1, 2005 at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel.
Multi-discipline CAD usage at an EPC company. (PD12-1, Plant Design, All Levels, Mon. 11/28 10:00 am - 11:30 am)
I'll let you know more about the content later.
See you there!
The offical AU 2005 website Here is what some have said about AU before: Autodesk University from 33,000 Feet Between the Lines Beyond the UI
2005-07-19 Update: RobiNZ: My Autodesk University 2004 Summary Lynn Allen: How to justify AU
Windows search of files with unknown extensions
MSN Search Toolbar rolls out more international versions
Thursday, July 14, 2005
JTB FlexReport minor updates
There has been some minor updates to the FLEXnet/FLEXlm graphic report tool JTB FlexReport.
-The time on the file name on the HTML backup files is more correct now. It was off 10 minutes before.
-Some special cases of the FLEXnet/FLEXlm status file syntax that generated an error are fixed upon users notification.
-Spaces in the user name are now handled correctly.
-There is a undocumented registry fix so the temporary files can be saved in another folder than %temp%. Contact me if needed.
-There is a separate Access database (JTBFlexReportDetailed.NET.mdb) that helps you with detailed reports on user usage.
-Some issues with grouping of users in the grafic report have been addressed.
The update is free for all existing users.
Backup the installation folder to be on the safe side.
Install the latest version from this location:
Free books for VB developers
Here you can find 2 free books in PDF format.
Free Book - Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers
Free Book - Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
AutoCAD 2006 and the inluded ADT OE
The ADT OE enables some basic AutoCAD commands to work on ADT objects. If you erase a door the hole in the wall heals. You can explode ADT objects into basic AutoCAD objects. Automatic cleanup is done using commands like Move, Copy, Rotate, Trim, Extend and Array. Node osnap points on ADT objects are also available.Command: -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD File format: 2004 Bind xrefs: Yes Bind type: Insert Filename prefix: ACAD- Filename suffix: Export options [Format/Bind/bind Type/Prefix/Suffix/?] <>:
AutoCAD network license and 'heartbeat'
Meaning of term "heartbeat" Published date: 2005-07-12 ID: TS66065 Applies to: AutoCAD® 2006 AutoCAD® 2005 AutoCAD® 2004 AutoCAD® 2002 Issue The term "heartbeat" is used in reference to a network license. You would like to know what this term means. Solution When AutoCAD is running, it communicates with the license server at one-minute intervals using a communication method known as the "heartbeat." If the heartbeat connection is missed, the server tries to reconnect. If it cannot, it sends a message to the user indicating a license error. Once the user acknowledges the message, AutoCAD starts a 6 minute countdown to give the user time to save his or her work. When AutoCAD stops working because it lost a connection to the server, you must shut down AutoCAD and restart the program. If the problem causing the original loss of the heartbeat signal is resolved, and there are available licenses on the server, the program starts working again. Note: If you are using the redundant server model, this server model also passes heartbeats between redundant servers.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Shareware Starter Kit for VB or C#
VB 2005 and code snippets
Monday, July 11, 2005
Finally 250 MB for my hotmail account
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Autodesk Batch DWG Converter Beta / SP1 for AutoCAD 2006
Friday, July 8, 2005
Microsoft's Windows Marketplace has my applications
New ADT blogger
MSN Search Toolbar support tabs
Property Data Location on Spaces in ADT
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Autodesk adds RSS feeds for product knowledge base
Back from vacation I thought about making a new wish for adding RSS feed support for the Autodesk product knowledge bases. To my suprise I read Shaan's blog entry that this has now been added.
This is great news!
Autodesk Inventor Series:
Autodesk Inventor Pro:
Autodesk Vault:
Autodesk Architectural Desktop:
Autodesk Building Systems:
Autodesk Civil 3D:
Autodesk Map 3D:
Autodesk Revit Building:
AutoCAD Mechanical:
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Acrobat 7.0 crash and solution
I have been trying to identify and solve a problem with Adobe Acrobat 7.0.
Here's the story...
When starting Acrobat several dialog boxes comes up saying:
'There was an error while loading the plug-in ‘Accessibility.api’. The plug-in failed to initialize.'
Then it follows with these api files same message:
After that Acrobat crashes and says:
'Adobe Acrobat 7.0 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. '
The contents of the error report is:
AppName: acrobat.exe
ModVer: 7.10.3052.4
ModName: msvcr71.dll
Offset: 000017e1
I tried to reinstall and repair Acrobat. Manually deleting files and registry entries. I even reinstalled Windows XP. It worked for a while but at some point Acrobat got this problem. I tried to make a system restore but that didn't help.
I also searched the web for tips but found none that worked.
I called the Adobe technical support and they had no idea. They recommended to install the product with a local administrator user without being in the network domain. I tried that as well.
Finally I found that one in-house installation put AcroForm.api ( into the system32 folder. When I deleted that file Acrobat started to work as it should.
So if you too run into this make a search for misplaced acrobat files like the one I found. Adobe Reader 7.0 also got some problems because of this file.
Bengt Dahlgren AB among others selects JTB FlexReport
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer with Tilt Wheel not recommended for AutoCAD users
Since I got so used to use the wheel to pan and zoom extents in AutoCAD I really cannot recommend this mouse. To hold down the wheel to pan quickly is hardly possible because so much force is needed to hold down the wheel. Double clicking to zoom extents is equally hard to do. Microsoft talks about "Ergonomic Design". For work in AutoCAD this design is definitely not ergonomic.
Other than that I think the mouse ease quite good even though I think the wheel is a bit to hard to roll. The thumb buttons are placed to high though to be easy accessed.
I have to agree with Steven Johnson's comments. With the latest drivers for the Mouse you can get the wheel to "work" in AutoCAD but as I said it's not productive and not easy. For those wanting to know how to set it to "work" in AutoCAD. Set it to AutoScroll in the settings for the wheel button.
Now I have to get hold of the purchase responsible for mouses at Pharmadule Emtunga where I work so no more of these things are bought for AutoCAD users.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Windows Desktop Search finds text within DWG's
AutoCAD 2006 - Solution when editing rotated text
I got this question: "The new TEXT and MTEXT editor in 2006 is great. Problem is I sometimes have to edit text on its side or even upside down. Gets very confusing to edit in this way. Is there some way of changing this new feature so I don't break my neck every time I edit a non-horizontal piece of text? I have tried MTEXTED set to OLDEDITOR but this only works for MTEXT and not TEXT."
There is a new system variable named DTEXTED that specifies the user interface for editing single-line text using the DDEDIT command. When set to 0 DDEDIT displays the In-Place Text Editor. When set to 1 DDEDIT displays the Edit Text dialog box.
MTEXTED can as said be used to get the old version of the mtext editor by setting the value to oldeditor. There is also the alternative to set it to :lisped. This will show a dialog box if the mtext has less than 80 characters. The default editor is used when the value is set to internal.
The new WYSIWYG editor that AutoCAD 2006 introduces is really good for many users but if you have a lot of rotated text it can be problematic. One solution is to use the Properties palette to edit the text content even though it's quite restricted. Another is to use MTEXTED and DTEXTED.
You can also create a button on a toolbar or a tool on the tool palette that runs a custom command.
A simple macro could look like this:
^C^C(setvar "DTEXTED" 1) DDEDIT \;(setvar "DTEXTED" 0);
In that case you can double click on the text if it's readable and if it's too rotated just click on the button or the tool.
A more automated way would be to redefine the DDEDIT command so it shows a dialog box depending on the rotation of the text in relation to the screen. I leave that for you to experiment with.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Tips when changing license server
Instead of having to manually update all users LICPATH.LIC file I have a VBScript that runs when the user logs in that solves this. Otherwise also Group Policy Object settings can be used.
On Error Resume Next
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM")
When ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE, the registry, and licpath.lic are used, the order of precedence is:
- registry
- licpath.lic
- License Finder dialog box is displayed
- registry
- licpath.lic
- License Finder dialog box is displayed
Sunday, May 15, 2005
AutoCAD 2006 - Delete Layer Filters with the undocumented FILTERS command
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
AutoCAD 2006 and how to start AutoCAD with different Workspaces
Here is a tip on how to start AutoCAD 2006 with a specific Workspace.
There is not direct way to start AutoCAD 2006 with a specific Workspace but it can be done with a script file.
Create a shortcut with this Target:
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2006\acad.exe" /b "C:\CustomWS.scr"
CustomWS.scr holds this row where CustomWS is the name of the Workspace:
(if (/= (getvar "wscurrent") "CustomWS") (command "wscurrent" "CustomWS"))
The reason for why I made the code above like this is because of performance. It just set wscurrent to CustomWS when needed.
Then you can add as many shortcuts as you want for your different Workspaces.
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