Sunday, October 31, 2010

8 levels wood buildings

Here are some pictures of Sweden’s highest new built residential buildings in wood. Walls and slabs are made of massive wood. Construction was done in a dry environment under a movable roof.

Limnologen is an eight-story building with 134 apartments, constructed using wood as the main building material.

Buildings with low energy consumption
The building is a part of the project Valle Broar, which aims to support wood-building technology and create the modern wooden city in Växjö. Limnologen is the first high building in Sweden whose construction is based on wood and has been conducted and evaluated in close collaboration with leading experts in wood building, who are active at universities within Sweden and abroad.

Environmental benefits
Wood buildings have many environmental benefits. The material is responsible for low carbon emissions during production and sequesters carbon during its lifetime. Producing wood is energy efficient, does not tear on finite resources and in addition wood buildings consume less energy than other types of buildings during their lifetime. The building only consumes 65 kWh per square meter and year. Wood buildings, in particular the ones that have a high level of pre-fabrication, are flexible and it is possible to recycle building elements. In the end of the lifecycle the material does not need to be deposited, but can be combusted and converted to heat and electricity. To the environmental benefits come other desirable attributes, such as it being highly fireproof and creating a good working environment. ref.

More pictures of Limnologen at Midroc Property Development as well as at Linnéuniversitetet here and much more here.


  1. What species of wood?

  2. One of the projects that used CLT-Cross Laminated Timber as load bearing elements was Limnologen in the city of Växjö 500 kilometres south of Stockholm. CLT species of wood include Spruce, larch and pine. Hope this helps.


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