Saturday, February 18, 2006

Center prints in Autodesk DWF Viewer

In some of the latest versions of the Autodesk DWF Viewer there has been a problem to plot or print centered in half scale. Typically we produce A1 DWF files but want to print them on A3 paper. Print to scale is not an option since they should be plotted to 50% scale. The drawing gets clipped only on 2 sides and not on all 4 sides. There is though a workaround in the latest Autodesk DWF Viewer 6.5 using a registry setting. So now it works to print to scale and have the margines clipped on all 4 sides.

The setting (pplsvpPlacementModifier = 1) that has worked good for me is used in this reg file. Download and run it. DWF Viewer has to be restarted.

The registry key is:
REG_DWORD pplsvpPlacementModifier
The possible values are:
0 - align the center of the physical page with the center of the virtual page [default].
1 - align the center of the printable-area of the physical page with the center of the virtual page.
2 - align the lower left corner of the physical page with the lower left corner of the virtual page.
I've also noticed that Scott Sheppard has updated his FAQ to include this tip.

AutoCAD Palette Auto-hide Speed freeware

Did you know that you can change the time it takes to show/hide or roll-up/roll-out the palette windows in AutoCAD, ADT or other verticals when you have activated Auto-hide? It is possible but is not so obvious and easy. Until now.

Here you can download PaletteAutoHideSpeed.exe that helps you with this. There is no install provided since it's only one file so place it anywhere you want and run it. If you have different versions or verticals of AutoCAD you have to open the one you want to change and close it before running this application.

Hoover the mouse over "Tip here" in the application for a useful tip.

The requirement for the application to run is to have Microsoft .Net Framework v2.0 installed. It can be downloaded here. If you don't have it installed you will get a message when trying to start PaletteAutoHideSpeed.exe. I don't plan on supporting older versions of .Net Framework.

If you like this application and want to make a donation use this link and add the amount you like. Most Credit Cards are accepted and you don't need a PayPal account. Thanks!

You can also add comments below or send me an email. There is no support for this freeware but if you run into any problems or have any questions it's free to ask and I might be able to do something about it.

For those wanting to know what the application does. Here's what. It locates the file for the last run AutoCAD based application. It then changes the delay time in the file that is in XML format. In ADT 2006 it looks like this as default:

< paletterollupdelay="600">< paletterolloutdelay="200">

If you go in there and changes the Roll-up speed it will not work because of a minor spelling error. (Update: This has ben corrected in ADT 2007) You also have to change PalleteRollupInfo to PaletteRollupInfo. The spelling error is corrected by the application.

In AutoCAD there is no existence of these rows so they have to be added at the correct location.

Update 2008-01-15 Version 1.2 released with AutoCAD LT support and the homepage is available at

Friday, February 17, 2006

Does AutoCAD 2006 view transitions

I got this question and wanted to share the answer here for the benefit of others with the same question.
"I have a question regarding the zoom function in AutoCAD 2006. In versions past when you would zoom and pick your objects the zoom would be instantaneous. Now it gradually zooms in and out. I move very fast in AutoCAD and this definitely slows me down. Do you have any idea how to turn this function off? I have searched the help files and the pamphlet that came with my cd and to no avail. I hope you don't mind taking the time to help me with this. Thanks in advance for your help!"
This is one of the most visible changes when you start using AutoCAD 2006. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. This setting is not in any menu and you might not know what to search on but here you go. The command that opens the dialog box you see here is VTOPTIONS. There are also system variables available. VTENABLE - Controls when smooth view transitions are used. Default value is 3 and any value between 0 and 7 is valid. Look for vtenable in the help for more information on it. VTDURATION - Sets the duration of a smooth view transition, in milliseconds. VTFPS - Sets the minimum speed of a smooth view transition, in frames per second.

How to preset the path type in the xref attach dialog box

I have some AutoLISP code for AutoCAD on my website to preset the Path type in the xref attach dialog box. I got this question.
I am wondering how to use the sample lisp you have for presetting the path type in the xref attach dialog box. I don't have much experience with lisps, and have only worked with ones that are run from the command line. How do I work with the sample code you provide?
So here I've added 3 commands and for the one that wants to learn how to do it just take a look at the code. By using c: before the function a command is created. The commands are SXA, SXR and SXN. Select the code below, copy it into Notepad and save it to something with the .LSP extension. Then use APPLOAD within AutoCAD to load the file or just drag and drop it into AutoCAD from Explorer. Another way is to enter for example (SetPathType 0) on the command line.
;;; Sets the Xref Path type used in the xref attach dialog box
;;; Absolute Path: (SetPathType 0)
;;; Relative Path: (SetPathType 1)
;;; No Path: (SetPathType 2)
;;; By Jimmy Bergmark

(defun SetPathType (v)
  (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))

;;; Gets the Xref Path type used in the xref attach dialog box
;;; 0 = Absolute Path
;;; 1 = Relative Path
;;; 2 = No Path

(defun GetPathType ()
  (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))

;;; Set Xref Absolute path

(defun c:SXA ()
  (SetPathType 0)

;;; Set Xref Relative path

(defun c:SXR ()
  (SetPathType 1)

;;; Set Xref No path

(defun c:SXN ()
  (SetPathType 2)


Does AutoCAD 2006 view transitions slow you down when zooming?

I got this question and wanted to share the answer here for the benefit of others with the same question.

"I have a question regarding the zoom function in AutoCAD 2006. In versions past when you would zoom and pick your objects the zoom would be instantaneous. Now it gradually zooms in and out. I move very fast in AutoCAD and this definitely slows me down. Do you have any idea how to turn this function off? I have searched the help files and the pamphlet that came with my cd and to no avail. I hope you don't mind taking the time to help me with this. Thanks in advance for your help!"

This is one of the most visible changes when you start using AutoCAD 2006. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't. This setting is not in any menu and you might not know what to search on but here you go. The command that opens the dialog box you see here is VTOPTIONS. There are also system variables available. VTENABLE - Controls when smooth view transitions are used. Default value is 3 and any value between 0 and 7 is valid. Look for vtenable in the help for more information on it. VTDURATION - Sets the duration of a smooth view transition, in milliseconds. VTFPS - Sets the minimum speed of a smooth view transition, in frames per second.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Beyond the Paper - the latest Autodesk blog

Shaan got my eyes on Scott Sheppard's new blog Beyond the Paper. It will be a valuable resource for those using or wanting to know more about DWF. Why Beyond the Paper? Improve 3D Geometry in DWF files from AutoCAD 2006 I look forward to read more from his blog.

Monday, February 13, 2006

ADT Formula Property Definition causes Just-In-Time Debugging Window linked

I got a question about this issue and wanted to share the solution I was given by an Autodesk employee a time ago. This occurs when you have Microsoft Visual Studio and ADT/ABS 2006 installed on the same machine. Add this row below as the first row for the formula (a tip is to copy this row and paste it into the FPD editor so you don't get a popup for each character entered):
on error resume next

Another solution is this. In Visual Studio, select [Tools] --> [Options] --> select [Debugging] --> [Just-In-Time] --> turn off "Script ." It should then stop the debugging window from popping up.

Scott Durkee's interview with Shaan Hurley

I just read Scott Durkee's interview with Shaan Hurley, Autodesk. Great initiative.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

AutoCAD for Architects

"Experience how Autodesk® Architectural Desktop offers the very best AutoCAD®-based design and documentation productivity for architects, designers, and drafters." Of course this is marketing but it's useful and I recommend visit that is a resource center with screencasts that can be useful for those wondering to upgrade to ADT or for existing ADT users that wants to learns more about ADT. The screencasts are informative and a few minutes each. There are also archived webcasts if you missed those that have been so far. Forward this to others in your organization. Architects, designers, drafters, CAD Managers or even to Managers that you want to show what ADT can do for you.

Monday, February 6, 2006

Intergraph acquires Alias (the company behind ISOGEN)

I learned from WorldCAD Access blog about Intergraph acquires Alias. Their product ISOGEN is used by a lot (most) of other CAD vendors. Speaking about acquiring I would suggest Autodesk to acquire NavisWorks. We use Autodesk's products extensively and NavisWorks has some great products that also seem to fit in the plans for Autodesk 3.0 as described by Carl Bass.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

AUGI Wish List Ballot for AutoCAD

As several other bloggers have pointed out it's time for voting on wishes for future features of AutoCAD. The newest AutoCAD Wish List Ballot is now open for voting. There are a lot of wishes to review and vote on. Vote for your top 10 wishes. I put in some wishes earlier related to Sheet Set Manager that can be found below the Other feature. Kudos to the AUGI team for the improved functionality of the Wish List Ballot.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

How to enter absolute WCS coordinates in AutoCAD 2006

This tips and tricks is for AutoCAD 2006 users.

The DYNPICOORDS system variable controls if pointer input uses relative or absolute format for coordinates. You can use symbol prefixes to temporarily override this setting.

This setting is also available using DSETTINGS or right click and select Settings on DYN (Dynamic Input) on the Status bar. Click on Settings for Pointer input and ther you have it.

To enter absolute coordinates when relative coordinates are displayed in the tooltip, enter #.

To enter relative coordinates when absolute coordinates are displayed, enter @. Typically this is no longer needed if you use the default setting with relative coordinates.

Finally the answer to the question.

To enter absolute world coordinate system (WCS) coordinates, enter * (an asterisk).

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