Tuesday, December 28, 2004
How to read blogs
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Make MSN Deskbar smaller
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Monday, December 20, 2004
RobiNZ Blog: Understanding and Reading a Blog -- John C. Dvorak
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
A Practical Usage of eTransmit
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Quick plotting in AutoCAD using the previous plot settings
In AutoCAD you might have noticed that you can plot using the last or previous settings you plotted with. In the Plot dialog box and the Page setup name drop down box there is the entry Previous Plot. If you want to plot quite many drawings with the same setting it takes some seconds to open the Plot dialog box and select this option. To make this quicker you can use any of the following tips:
1) Create a Toolbar button and add this code to it: ^C^C(command "-plot" "no" "" "previous plot" "" "" "" "");
2) Add a new Tool on the Tool Palette and add the above code to it.
3) Create a quick command for it named PP by using the following code:
(defun c:pp ()
(command "-plot" "no" "" "previous plot" "" "" "" "")
This code can be added to any of your automatically loaded lisp files. For example acaddoc.lsp
Now use it like this. Plot one drawing using the Plot command and set the settings like you want. Then for the rest of the drawings use any of the 3 above tips.
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Friday, December 17, 2004
MSN Toolbar Suite is great
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
New Autodesk Subscription Benefits
Subscription is getting better.
Flexible Use of Previous Versions of Autodesk Software
Subscription Center End User Allocation - If you have 100 network licenses you previously could only invite 100 users, now you can invite 3 users per license to access web support and e-learning.
AutoCAD LT on Subscription - Now even for those with less than 50 licenses.
Read more here.
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AutoCAD 2005 Webcasts Archive
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Convert DWF to DWG
Did you know that you can convert from DWF to DWG using Autodesk DWF Viewer and AutoCAD?
In the DWG Viewer zoom into the area you want to convert and select Copy from the Edit menu (in DWF Composer select Copy Drawing).
Then in AutoCAD run Paste Special from the Edit menu and select the option AutoCAD Entities.
You will end up with AutoCAD objects like 2D Polylines and text with colors retained. One some tests I did I found out that some True Type fonts where converted correctly when others did just show up question marks or other characters.
If the text was really small when viewed in the viewer it just ended up as a rectangular box. To get them as text you have to zoom in closer to the text within the viewer before copying.
Other observations where that the font names where named like" WMF-SansSerif Bold4eeb5e80" and the like. You will also loose in precision depending on the settings used when publishing the DWF.
Conclusion is that it's not a good conversion but could be useful sometimes.
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Programming Language Popularity: The TCP Index for November, 2004
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Hide field background in AutoCAD
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
ADT: Restrict access to PSDs
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ADT: Restrict access to PSD's
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Friday, November 19, 2004
IE vs Firefox
Here is an interesting interview I've read with a Microsoft Windows Executive about this.
Part 1
Part 2
PS. I'm using Avant Browser with IE 6 SP2 when I write this. I'm quite satisfied with it. I've also started to try Firefox at home. What do you use?
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Monday, November 15, 2004
ADT Update Space Tips
- Start the CUSTOMIZE command.
- Select the Commands tab.
- Select the User defined category.
- Drag and drop the User Defined Button to the palette.
- Close the Customize dialog box.
- Right click on the new tool and select properties.
- As Command string enter: ^C^C(command "SPACEAUTOGENERATE" "UP" (setq p (getpoint)) p "" "")
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DWF Composer SP1 released
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Pedit on steroids
I've updated this lisp that is useful if you want to quickly join lines, arcs and polylines into a polyline including a fuzz distance.
Technorati: AutoCAD
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Create a data link file (UDL) using code
Private Sub CreateUDL() Dim sStr As String Dim bStr() As Byte FileOpen(1, "c:\temp.udl", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Write) FilePut(1, CByte(&HFFS), 1) FilePut(1, CByte(&HFES), 2) sStr = "[oledb]" & vbCrLf bStr = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sStr) FilePut(1, bStr) sStr = "; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring" & vbCrLf bStr = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sStr) FilePut(1, bStr) ' Access Database ' sStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _ ' "C:\accessDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" ' SQL Server connection ' sStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False;" & _ "Initial Catalog=GB1114;Data Source=EMTNT15" ' ODBC data sStr = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=GB1114" bStr = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sStr) FilePut(1, bStr) FileClose(1) End SubHere is one using VB or VBA:
' Sample that shows how to create a data link file (UDL) using VB or VBA. Sub Main() Dim bStr() As Byte Open "c:\temp.udl" For Binary Access Write As 1 Put #1, 1, CByte(&HFF) Put #1, 2, CByte(&HFE) bStr = "[oledb]" & vbCrLf Put #1, , bStr bStr = "; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring" & vbCrLf Put #1, , bStr ' Access Database ' bStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\accessDB.mdb;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False" ' SQL Server connection ' bStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False;" & _ "Initial Catalog=GB1114;Data Source=EMTNT15" ' ODBC data bStr = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=GB1114" Put #1, , bStr Close #1 End Sub
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