Thursday, October 28, 2021

Autodesk Network License Manager update needed for Autodesk 2020 and 2021

Autodesk Customers with Multi-user subscription or Token-flex implementation using Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM) are required to upgrade the Network License Manager to the latest version v11.18.x to support Autodesk 2020 and newer version products on and after April 1st, 2022. ref

To report on Autodesk Network License Manager, Named User or Autodesk Flex usage try our JTB FlexReport.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

JTB Excel2TextField links Excel cell to AutoCAD field

JTB Excel2TextField lets you connect fields in AutoCAD to Excel cell values. You can have Excel as the main source and when it is updated your drawings will be updated too. You can place fields in texts, mtexts, tables and/or block attributes.

Have your Excel updates to reflect in the drawing.

Animation of usage below by coding on the image.

Free trial at JTB Excel2TextField.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

JTB FlexReport 2021.10.0 released - monitor expensive license usage

JTB FlexReport 2021.10.0 is now ready.

We have added and fixed a lot of things in this release. New monitoring options and new reports. Better performance. Works with Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.

See the version history for all details.

Trial is available if you want to give it a try.

If your maintenance has expired you can try the new version for a few weeks, if you want to keep using it contact us to renew the maintenance. The upgrade is free of charge for customers with active maintenance.

What is JTB FlexReport? JTB FlexReport is a license usage report tool for applications licensed using network license systems like FlexNet (FlexNet), IBM LUM, DSLS, SPLM, Sentinel, LM-X, RLM, EPLAN (ELM), HASP, DPT, Tebis, CodeMeter among others. Track usage over time, hours used and much more. With JTB Process Monitor much more can be monitored like Bentley MicroStation, Autodesk Named User licenses and Autodesk Flex.

If you have FlexNet licenses check out our JTB FlexReport LT freeware. App for AutoCAD available.

Autodesk user? See these posts:

You may still find use for JTB FlexReport together with JTB Process Monitor. We can help analyze your historic usage so you can prepare for the switch.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Change attribute order of block in many CAD drawings

To change attribute tag order in one drawing use BATTORDER (AutoCAD) or BATTMAN (AutoCAD and BricsCAD). With it you can update the block definition of the block.



Then wblock out the block to a separate DWG file. In the example below it us C:\temp\TITLEBLOCK.dwg

In below example the block is named TITLEBLOCK so you will need to modify the name and path (separate folders with double backslashes). Save the AutoLISP code to an LSP file.

; redefine block with or without attributes from an external DWG block

(setq blockname " TITLEBLOCK")

(setq fullpath "C:\\temp\\TITLEBLOCK.dwg")

(if (tblsearch "block" blockname)


    (command "_.-insert" (strcat blockname "=" fullpath) "_Y")


    (command "_.attsync" "_N" blockname)



Then you can use JTB SmartBatch to update all drawings with this LSP. Specify the use of the LSP in JTB SmartBatch Settings > Script/lisp file. Now add all drawings to be updated and you’ll have all title blocks or other blocks of your choice updated.

Monday, October 4, 2021

JTB FlexReport can monitor Autodesk Flex

Autodesk Flex is a new option to pay as you go for occasional product use. While you can get some usage reports from Autodesk they are limited.


When a user opens and signs into an Autodesk product included with Flex, they will be charged a daily rate per product once every 24 hours.

For example, a user opens and signs into AutoCAD from 8am-9am will be charged 7 tokens, same as a user using it the whole day. Even just starting and closing AutoCAD will cause a charge if 7 tokens (around $21). Revit will take 10 tokens.

With JTB FlexReport and JTB Process Monitor you can get additional valuable reports to identify users that just use a product a short time per day. You can get the total time the product has been running as well as the active time the user used the product. With this users using the products just a short time can be identified.

Contact us for a free trial or if you have any questions.

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